Resurrection Day pt 2

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WARNINGS~ mentions of suicide, violence 

Carly's prov~

I was in the barn cleaning some tack when my Dad and Rip walked in. "What's going on?" I asked. 

"Jamie's gone and has one of my rifles. Can you help look for him?" 

"Yes." I grabbed Sprite and saddled him quickly. I grabbed a walkie-talkie. When I got outside of the barn I jumped on and pointed him towards the river. "Jamie!" I yelled as I looked around. When we got to a fork in the trail I stopped Sprite. Witch way should we go? Right or left? "Lets go right." Before I turned Sprite to go right my walkie-talkie was making nosises. I reached around and dug it out of my saddle bags. 

"Carly come over." Rip's voice came. 

"Carly here over." I said as I held the button. Then let the button go when i was done. 

"We found him over."  

"Ok that's good. I'm going to head back to the barn over and out." I put it back in my saddle bags and turned Sprite towards home. When I got back to the barn I took care of Sprite and then went back to cleaning my tack. 

"Carly?" I looked up to see dad. 


"I need to talk to you and Beth. Well more Beth but still thought you should be there." 

"Alright." I went and put the saddle I was working up and followed him into the house. Beth was in the kitchen. I grabbed an apple nd sat at the bar in the kitchen. 



"You need to go easy on your brother."

"I always go easy on him."

"Your other brother." 

"I can't do that." 

"Beth I need you to set aside whatever it it."

"Dad. When you asked me to stay and fight for this family. You said everybody. I know you don't see it Dad. But he's the one we should be fighting the hardest."  She did have a point. I just had a gut feeling he wouldn't stand with us and fuck everything up.

"He was going to kill himself today."

"Give me a week and I'll have him ready to see it through." My eyes went wide. 

"I don't want him to see it through." 

"Look me in the eye and tell me that you love him. Love.  What you feel for Kayce. What you feel for me. What you feel for Carly." After our conversation one I didn't think I needed I really needed to be there for I headed to the roof. I climbed out of my window just like I did when I was a teen. I climbed to the tip top. I pulled out my phone and called Rip. 

"Hey." He answered. His voice made me smile. 

"Come to me." 

"Where are you?"

"On the roof."

"How am I supposed to get up there?" 

"The old Irish way. You're Irish aren't you?" I teased. 

"I'm Irish enough honey."

'Then I'll see you soon." I hung up. The light breeze blew my hair around softly. Somebody sat behind me and pulled me closer to them. "I knew you were Irish enough."  I said as I turned my head to look at him. 

"I'll be anything for you darlin." Our lips meet. Once we parted I leaned on his chest and looked at the stars. 

"I love these moments with you Rip. Feels like it's just you and me under this big Montana sky."

The Other Dutton (season 2 and 3) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz