Enemies by Monday part 1

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It was another chilly morning here in Montana. I zipped up my jacket a little more then it was  then headed out into the morning air. Wanting coffee I started to the bunk house. I saw Tate saying goodbye to Lucky. Kid was going to be just like most of the family and love horses. 

"Bye Aunt Carly." 

"Bye Tate. Have a good day at school." He nodded and walked off. I continued my way to the bunk house. Walking in the warm air hit me. Everybody was getting ready for the day. Ryan noticed me and came over. 

"Here Carly. I'll get another cup." Ryan said as he handed me his cup of coffee. The mug warmed my hands up. 

"Ryan you just might be my favorite." Shouts were heard in protest. I smiled as I looked down shaking my head softly. 

"Y'all know you ain't here favorite." Lloyd said. "He's in the shower." 

"Thanks Lloyd." I kissed his check then went to the shower and bathroom. The steam enveloped me making me unzip my jacket. 

"I'll be out in a minute jackass." Rip yelled. Apparently somebody had been bothering him. I held in my laugh. 

"Don't worry about it." I called out in a deep voice. His head popped out of the shower making me laugh. A smile came over his face. 

"Morning darlin." 

"Morning handsome." 

"Have a seat and I'll be out in a minute. I hopped on to the counter. I looked at my face in the mirror. The bruising was almost gone just a couple green spots were still there. The stitches were out since I had cut them out myself yesterday. I know that a  couple spots would have scars. I sighed and rested my back on the mirror I played with my coffee mug in my hands. "What you thinking about out there?"

"How fucked up my face is." I said simply. And it was true. My face would always hold the reminder of what happened. 

"What?!" He shouted. The water turned off quickly and he grabbed the towel that was next to the shower. He came out of the shower still dripping wet not even looking like he had dried off. A drop of water went down he chest and down his abs following his happy trail and disappearing under neath the towel. My heart raced. My mind race with all the things I wanted to do to him and things I wanted him to do with me. He came over and took the mug out of my hand and set it on the counter. He grabbed my hips and tugged me to him. 'Don't ever say that. You are the most beautiful, hottest, sexiest women I've every seen. Understand?" I nodded my head. "Use your words baby girl." 

"Yes sir." 

"Good girl." His lips were on mine. Hard and heavy. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. His fingers dug into my hips. I rocked against him. He was hard. His fingers went down slowly to my clit. His fingers rubbed it over my jeans. I let out a groan and rocked against him again. Taking the opportunity with my groan his slipped his tongue into my mouth. 

"Come on Rip!" a voice came with a pounding on the door. I let out a groan. Rip moved away. I leaned my head against the mirror frustrated. 

"Later darlin. I promise." He whispered in my ear before heading over to where his clothes were. I let out a huff. I wanted him now. He got dressed. He helped me off the counter. Inter locking our hands we walked out of the bathroom. Everybody was ready for the day so we all walked outside into the cold. When we walked out I noticed the commander walking to us. 

"Jimmy?" Jimmy nodded at him. "It's bad news. We found your grandfather this morning." 

"Found him? What do you mean by found him?" Jimmy asked. 

"It seemed he'd been assault recently and it appears a blood vessel in his brain ruptured as a result and he had a stroke I'm sorry." Jimmy looked crushed. My heart for the kid. 

"What happened?" Ryan asked. 

"They killed him." 

"What?!" Ryan asked confused. 

"I fucking paid and they killed him!" Jimmy yelled. 

"What happened?" Rip asked. Jimmy wouldn't answer, but Rip kept asking. 

"Jimmy we can't help if you don't tell us what happened." I told him softly. 

" I owed money."

"So they beat your old man to make you pay?" That's when it all clicked in my mind. That's why he was trying to make money. I let out a sigh. I wish he had just told me. I could have helped him. 

"We will take care of this tonight. Let me talk to Kayce."

"Hey Jimmy lets go on a ride. Meet me in the barn." I told him.  He nodded and walked away. "I'll take him out for a bit and keep an eye on him. And if Kayce fights you on this tell him I want this taken care of." 

"Yes ma'am." Rip said. 

"Thanks. I love you." 

"Love you too darlin." He kissed my lips then was off. I went into the barn. 

"Saddle a horse Jimmy." He went off to grab a horse. I saddled up Sprite. We started out. "Jimmy do your remembered  the first couple of days that you came to the ranch?"  I asked as we rode. 

"Not very well but I do remembered that somebody had gotten killed." A sad smile came over my face. 

"Yeah. He was my oldest brother. It hurt like hell losing him."

"Does it still hurt?" 

"Yeah it does. But it gets a little easier." He nodded his head. "What was he like?" 

"Who? My grandpa?" I nodded my head. "He was amazing. He was the only one that belived in me. He believed  that I could go down the right path after going down the wrong one. He always believed  in me. He loved me no matter what I did. He's the one that got me this job. He would have loved you, and would have thanked you for taking care of me." I smiled softly. 

"He sounds like a wonderful person." 

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