Resurrection Day

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I woke up to arms around me. I opened my eyes finding Rip already awake and looking at me. "Take a picture it will last longer handsome." 

"Already have honey." I let out a laugh. 

"Of course you have." I got up and started getting ready for the day. Rip doing the same. 

"What are your plans for today?" Rip asked as we made our way to the bunk house. 

"Training  a colt." 

"Which one?" 

"The palomino." He nodded and held the door open for me into the bunk house. The first thing I noticed was Tate laying on the couch. "Tate what are you doing here?"

"Dad went off with Grandpa. Told me to wait here." I rolled my eyes at Kayce. Just at this time Ryan walked in. 

"Where is my fu..." I cleared my throat interrupting him. He whipped his head over to me. I crossed my arms over my chest and glanced down at Tate then back to him. "Where is my fricken razor?" I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head at him. 

"I guess your dad forgot what here's like. Let's go. Come on." Tate got up and started towards the door. "See you later." I told Rip and pecked his lips. Tate and I left the bunk house and headed to the barn. 

"What are you doing today Aunt Carly?" 

"Training some colts. Come on lets go get the first one saddled." I went and got the palomino that I called Sunny. As I saddled him he stood quietly. Tate went and sat on a hay bale by me. 

"He seems to be already trained." 

"He is somewhat. He just needs some more riding." 

"Why do you train the horses? Shouldn't the guys do it?" I had finished putting the bridle on when he asked that. It had me shocked that he thought the guys should do it. I turned to look at him. 

"Tate, I'm going to tell you something very important and it will help you with girls. Some girls want to sit back and let the men do all the work. Then you've got girls that will be out there doing what the men do. That second kind are what cowgirls are made of." I finished and led Sunny out towards the round pen. "Hey Jake! Can you do some work with Marley?" 

"Sure Carly." 

"Thanks!" When I got into the round pen I shut the gate and got in the saddle. Sunny stayed still beneath me. "Good boy." I praised him. I gathered up the reins and asked him to walk around the round pen. His body started to hunch up tell me he was going to try to buck with me. I pulled the reins tighter and sat deeper in the saddle. He tossed his head for a moment but settled down. I noticed that Rip had joined Tate by the fence watching Jake. I smiled and continued working with Sunny. 

Rips prov~

Tate was sitting on the fence watching Jake. I noticed Carly in the round pen working the palomino colt.  He looked liked he was going to buck but she shut him down quickly. "That's my girl." I thought to myself. I went over and stood next to Tate who was sitting on the fence. He was watching Jake lunge the horse. 

"My dad used to do this." Tate stated. 

"Yeah." Jake replied focusing on the colt. 

"When he breaks colts he does it." 

"Yeah?" I asked. He nodded his head. 

"Why do you do it?" He asked Jake.

" Well I want him to get all the shit out of his system so I can get on him. Jake answered. 

"You owe me a dollar!" 

"I ain't paying you a fucking dollar." I knew if Carly was here she would be glaring at Jake telling him not to cuss in front of him. 

"Can we go over and watch Aunt Carly?" 

"Sure." we walked over and watched. "Look her colt has already submitted." 

"What does that mean?" 

"He's ready to go to work." 

"Why didn't she lunge him?"

"Because she didn't need to. Let me tell you something about your Aunt Carly. She's got a way with horses. I've never seen anybody do what she can with em. Lee always said she was a horse whisper and could tame anything." Carly stopped in front of us. 

"Having fun boys?" 

"Can I pet him?" 

"Ask Rip to bring you in." He looked at me with big eyes. "Come on." We went over and opened the gate and we walked in. I closed it behind me. "Go nice and easy up to him." I told him. Carly was off of him and holding the horse. He looked relaxed by her. 

"You can come pet his face." Carly said gently. He went up and started petting his face. 

"Want on him?" Carly asked. His eyes lit up. I chuckled as I went over to help him up. 

"Right up. There you go." I said as I threw him up. 

"Good boy." Carly praised him. She handed me the reins and I led the horse around. 

"All right what do you say we get another one?" I asked. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Carly snap a picture on her phone. I decided to let hr have this one. I got Tate down. "Go get the gate for me." He went over and opened the gate. I noticed Kayce and Mr. Dutton standing by Carly. "You can add babysitting to my list of talents."

"I didn't see that one coming." Kayce said. 

"Me either." 

"I did." Carly said sending me a smirk. I shook my head but sent her a smile and made my way to the barn. Her perfume followed me letting me know she was coming with me. "You like him." She said in a sing song voice. 


"Yes you do." Her eyes held a twinkle in them. 

"Well for what it's worth it made you so much hotter and attractive. And if we didn't have to work we would be going to do other activities. But I got to go." She sent me a wink and walked away. 

"Damn girl." I was convinced one of these days she was going to kill me. 

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