The Revelations (12)

Start from the beginning

“I wanted you dead. Now I want you gone, but I don’t want to kill you.”

That didn’t help calm Sabre down at all, in pain it only momentarily made him think about how he’d carved his death bed. Yet Sorin just stared, speaking almost as if he was reading a script.

“Can you go back to where you were before?”

“...No? Not really.. It’s complicated.” Sabre winced a bit at that, and was also a bit relieved. Maybe he could calm Sorin down enough to let him go. The only problem was trying to figure out a pattern, or anything, with Sorin. He seemed nice, but Sabre still thought about how quick he’d attacked, the needle he’d just decided to bring, hell the entire situation didn’t paint Sorin in a ‘scared teenager’ light.

“...Why are you- doing all this?” Sabre finally asked, it’d been something he wanted to know for a bit. He’d talked to Sorin once outside of this, a conversation he couldn’t fully remember no matter how much he tried to. There’s no way whatever he said would cause this, so was it something from before?

Sorin stared at him, opened his mouth, paused, and went back to staring.

“... Y-you don’t remember?”

“Ah-” Sabre coughed again before he could answer, maybe he should’ve asked for some water instead of this, “There’s a lot I remember, I’m not really sure what you mean…”. Sorin didn’t respond, it seemed like he was angry but Sabre couldn’t tell anymore.

“My father. My brother. A year ago.” It sounded less like Sorin telling Sabre, and more as if he was reminding himself, “You were corrupted. My father was there and you- you snapped out of it. I saw.”


“Then you murdered him, and my brother, and everybody in the outpost.”

“...S-Sorin, that wasn’t me- I was corrupted..” He tried to tell him, realizing the gravity of the situation. He remembered only one time when he was free from his corruption, when a yellow steve had begged him for mercy. He hadn’t seen if anyone was behind him, near him, anywhere, he barely even paid any attention to anything because of the shock of the situation.

Sorin stared into Sabre’s eyes, a hundred mile stare. 

“Why didn’t you stop yourself then?” Sorin asked flatly, the hints of irritation not-well-hidden behind his tone. Sabre felt that feeling of uncertainty again, like the wrong word could cause Sorin to spiral. It felt so uneasy, and Sabre wondered if he’d be dead by tomorrow.

“I was shocked. Surprised. Horrified. I-I didn’t know what to do, or what was happening.” He replied honestly, because he had nothing to lose right now. If anything, Sorin finding out he’d could’ve been lying would cause even more trouble. Sorin seemed to not hate his answer, at least. 

Sabre waited for Sorin to reply, but he didn’t. He ran a hand through his own hair and sighed, then walked away.

“H-Hey I..” Sabre began to trail off as Sorin glared back at him, “..s-some water, please?-..”

Sorin left without saying anything, leaving Sabre alone again. At least it was a bit better this time, he could finally look around a bit and at least had a bit more to think about, although he already knew how quickly his thoughts could spiral downwards if he thought about his corruption a bit too long.

Seconds passed into minutes, and Sabre wearily began to accept the silence again. He heard footsteps from the other room, the only other room. Finally, Sorin walked into Sabre’s room with a potion bottle. Sabre couldn’t see an actual potion in there, then he realized it was just water.

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