Chapter 24 - My Confession

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"No..." Clarissa whispered, turning back to face the building. "No, we can't..."

Makoto ruffled his hands through his hair, using the water from his bottle to cool down his face. "You're the head of countermeasures, Clarissa-san. What do you want us to do?"

"We need to stop his curse," Clarissa said, full of determination. "We need to end this year's calamity. I'm not risking anymore lives."

Akira smiled hopefully. "So what shall we do to help you?"

Clatissa took a shaky breath and clenched their fists. "I haven't been entirely honest with you all," they said slot.

"That's a surprise," Cho rolled her eyes.

Clarissa hesitated. "I know who the dead one is."

"How?" Yemon asked. "I thought the calamity made it impossible?"

"I know... Because it's me." Clarissa quickly raised a hand when everyone looked alarmed. "Please, don't act rash against me. I promise that this will all be over by the end of tonight. Just let me explain, then I'll sacrifice myself."

"Like hell you will," I stood up.

"Tsuki, please," Clarissa whispered. "I can't live like this. Nobody deserves to die because of me. I've already made a mess of things as it is."

"Hang on," Akira waved a hand. He looked crushed. "Clarissa, you don't know for certain that you're the dead one."

"I do. I know I'm the dead one." Their voice was full of pain.

"So everyone is dead... Because of you?" Yemon asked, his voice sharp. "We've experienced all of this because of you? Literally half of our classmates are dead because of you? Why the hell—"

"How long have you known?" Akira whispered. "Or...thought you've known?" He was still apprehensive. I was glad it wasn't just me.

"I haven't always known. But evidence came to light. Trust me, if I knew it was me, I'd have committed suicide at the beginning of the year."

"Clarissa, don't talk like that..."

"I would have. Nobody deserved any of this. Once I die, you'll all forget about my anyway. Things will go back to normal."

"What's this evidence?" Makoto asked, his arms folded. But it wasn't menacing; it was inquisitive.

"After me, Tsuki and Riku found the recording..."

"Speaking of, where is Riku?"

We all paused, and looked around. But he definitely wasn't in our group. My hairs stood on end, a shiver crept down my spine, and I could only assume the worst...

"Is he dead somewhere?" Jiro asked.

"He can't be. I saw him."

Akira turned back to Clarissa. "What were you saying about Riku?" He was waiting for Clarissa to confirm his newfound suspicions.

Clarissa hesitated. "He said that he could sense death in his fingertips. That's why he wore gloves. Do you remember at the beginning of the year, and he shool hands with us all? He said he was sensing death, and my fingers were the coldest. So he concluded that I was the dead one."

"Well, I think it's about time that Riku told us his working out and logic for himself," Akira was growing angry.

"Then let's find him," Yemon was on his feet.

"But do NOT kill him," Makoto ordered, "nobody else will be dying tonight unless its absolutely necessary."

Everyone agreed. Everyone was surprisingly calm. Everyone was working together, as it should be.

Another: The Class of 1999Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum