Y/n slowly shook her head, staring in awe at the boy who appeared so brave to comfort her after she told him about what she truly was. It appeared that the rumors about Harry Potter being a bright man was the truth after all.

"You're the first person I told.." She trailed off, looking away.

Harry widened his eyes, feeling a rush of warmth spreading throughout his cheeks. He felt his grip shake as he tried to to hold her shoulders.

He didn't know why he felt such unwanted bliss when she trusted him with her dirty little secret. It wasn't a surprise that he was a trusted wizard in Hogwarts , he could recall many moments where professors, students or even muggles counted on him with their own problems.

However, when he heard the words roll off of her precious mouth, the more he felt himself digging into his own trap.

He invisibly clenched his jaw.

Perhaps it was her own curse that made him feel this way. Maybe her presence was too much for his heart to even handle.

No, it couldn't be. As he was now self-aware of the girl in front of him, there was no reason for him to feel what he dreaded the most.

"Then, let's keep it that way. The more the people know would cause chaos, something you are trying to avoid. Right?"

Y/n nodded , covering her chest as her arms crossed.

"Yes. It is. I'm just.. so lost. Forgive me for going back on my words, but I don't think I can stand ignoring everyone."

The words that were uttered from the girl came in with despair, and hopelessness. It was like she was practically begging for his help.

Well, in the way he sees it.

"I'll help you."

".. What?"

Harry leaned in closer, like he was telling a secret that could lead to the world ending.

"I'll help you. Help you overcome this curse. You just need to trust me."

Y/n shuddered under his gaze, suddenly seeing the way he held something sinister in his eyes. Perhaps it was her paranoia acting up on her, but the way he didn't seem to notice made her even more cautious.

"But that won't be a problem for you, right?"


A voice called out, making the two look over to see a familiar Hufflepuff jogging over to them. More so, a man she dreaded to see.

She could feel her eyes widen as he was the reason that she left the cafeteria in the first place. It was quite a surprise that she did, since numerous girls would do the opposite of what she did.

But perhaps if they were in her shoes, they would do the same thing as her.

The girl was still in a daze when Harry suddenly pushed her body behind him, an arm preventing her from one's view.

The opposing male slowed his tracks, eyebrows furrowing at the strange action he witnessed.

".. Ah, Harry. It seems you are here too."

The man cocked his head to the side, mocking a sign of confusion.

"It seems like you are looking for someone as well."

Cedric flickered his eyes from Harry to see part of Y/n's black robe peeking. Even though he knew Harry, and was quite in good terms with him, he still couldn't find a reason why the boy was hiding Y/n like he was some sort of villain.

Nevertheless, it made him slightly annoyed.

The male offered a strained, forced smile as his head tilted, trying to get a glance at the girls features.

"Y/n, there you are. I've been looking for you."

The girl did nothing with her cheeks flaring with red. She didn't want to admit, but she was embarrassed. Embarrassed that she felt like a vulnerable object in this situation.

She didn't want that.

"Yeah, I am. Sorry— I was," Y/n attempted to step out to make her visible, but her motion was soon stopped with the grip on her wrist tightening into an almost death grip.

She let out a inaudible gasp, looking up to see the boy who caused her wrist in pain.

"If you go with him, you go with your curse."

Harry poetically whispered towards Y/n, keeping his gaze at the brown-haired boy.

Y/n mouthed a what unconsciously, yet she knew he couldn't see.

".. Why so tense, Harry?" Cedric asked, both curiously and mockingly.

"Tense? Why were you looking for her?"

The two stared at each other, like opposing houses battling in quidditch for the ball. Except this time, it was internally.

Harry, on the other hand felt wrong. He felt wrong for feeling something when he possessively gripped Y/n's hand. No matter how hard he tried to deny, he only felt more the need to hide her from one's sight.

Was this.. because of her?

The boy, who was left confused turned his head slightly to meet Y/n's gaze. Her now confused, yet scared eyes.


He cursed in his mind, something he rarely does but when stressed.

Not wanting to admit it in his thoughts, he felt himself slowly getting trapped in the suffocating grip Y/n had on him. To everyone.

"I just need to talk to her about something.. is that a problem?"


"..Yeah, it kinda is. Goodbye."

Harry quickly started walking past Cedric, dragging Y/n who couldn't do nothing but follow.

His blunt reply was due to his conflicted feelings, and part of it because of the man starting to annoy him.

His arm was then grabbed harshly by the slightly older male, who had such a tight grip that it was comparable to the grip he had on Y/n.

Harry met Cedric's brown eyes.

"Let her go."

"You should be letting her go."

The male was suppose to speak, but was interrupted by a holler.

"Diggory, Potter! Don't you dare break out in a fight!" A teacher came in, fuming with their robe flowing behind them.

It was yet again a teacher in her rescue, yet Y/n could not help but worry. If it was getting this bad, than what about the others?

We're there more than just them?

Days would pass by, and new faces would come into Y/n's life. People who would meet her by pure choice, or by fate tricking her.

This was no silly ending for Y/n, as this was only the beginning of her terror.

But the pages of her diary were slowly running out, so will her hope do too?


soz for late update, but y'all I haven't even introduced many characters yet to hang tight !😭

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