Chapter 1

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{Joeys Pov}

I woke up with a stinging in my head. Another terrible dream still echoed in my brain as I rolled out of bed.

Was this what being a prince was suppose to feel like? Was I suppose to be constantly paranoid that everyone would find out all my secrets and if be completely exposed and shamed from ever sitting anywhere near the throne?

Because that is what it felt like.

I groaned and rolled over on my back in my large bed; it had bed posts that went high and created a frame around the top, where dark red curtains hung down, and kept me feeling somewhat safer for no reason. My dark purple, velvet comforter had a firm grasp on me and I swear- kept me from getting up.

"Prince Joey..."

One of my butlers, Adam, sing dang out happily as I watched his form walk closer to my bed behind the curtains, until he pulled them open and let the bright sunshine in.


I groaned out and covered my face with one of my many pillows.

"Wake up, Prince Joey. We are getting a new, um, recruit...? Today."

He contemplated the words to himself as he spoke them, and I moved the pillows from my eyes, bracing myself for the brightness.

"What do you mean, recruit? This isn't the army."

I laughed and threw my pillow at him, and he smiled kindly. I was a bit of a goofball, 20 years old and still acted like a child.

"I mean, like a servant."

Adam spoke softly as I picked myself out of my bed and he followed me over to my mirrors and table where I got ready.

"Like a butler?"

I asked him, almost tilting my head like a confused puppy.

"Like a slave."

He admitted, rubbing one of his calves with his other foot, which had on black dress shoes.

I stopped brushing through my hair and looked at him through the mirror, him standing behind me.

"No. No no no. We did not get a slave. That's completely terrible. Horrid."

I shook my head repeatedly in doubt and Adam nodded.

"Prince Joey, I know in this day and age slaves are unreasonable in our country- though not illegal. He's been charged with many crimes and your kind parents saved him from the death penalty."

Adam went on, but I cut him off.

"We are letting a criminal do things for us now? What crimes did he commit?"

Adam ran his hands through his hair.

"I wasn't really suppose to tell you, but you should be responsible enough to withstand it. I mean- I don't see why not. Daniel, his name is, has been charged with several illegal acts of homosexuality against the court and the holy bible."

A shock went down my spine as I tried to keep my voice clear and my hands from shaking.

"Oh, um, well. Okay. That's not too bad."

I mumbled I myself, my fingers tapping the table.

"Not too bad, Prince Joey? He has multiple accounts of this."

Adam said and made me want to roll my eyes although I knew it wouldn't e very charming of me.

"Alright, well, can you just help yourself out? I have to get dressed."

Adam just nodded and bowed and let himself out. When he let himself out I sunk down low in the cushioned chair, my breathing going fast and my nails clawing at my forbidden skin.

How would I feel meeting someone with the same struggle as I? Would I just breakdown?

Most likely.

Tears started to run down my face and my breathing was fast, short gasps breaths and I just couldn't breathe. But I couldn't let anyone know I was crying because I wouldn't have a good excuse to why I was randomly crying this early in the morning.

I got up and started to get dressed. Just a short sleeved blue shirt that costed way more than needed, black pants, and fancy boots. I fixed my crown on top of my head.

I suppose I never dressed too Prince like, but it's the 21st century, and that's just not too necessary, especially of a young Prince.

I couldn't stop thinking about how we were getting a slave, who was almost killed, because he's gay. The thoughts kept wondering through my head, until I was called downstairs by a Police knock at the door ( you could tell it was a police knocking because they had a very strict and professional three thump knock).

Daniel was here.

{A/N: Sorry it's short this is just sorta the intro to the story! <3}

&quot;Don't wait.&quot; A Janiel FanFiction.Where stories live. Discover now