Chapter 4 Professor Neon Furious the reckoning.

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It was a fine day at the Park , nothing was out of the ordinary.Kyle was relaxing with his friends at the Park then suddenly all hell broke loose when cats and dogs started falling from the sky. This could've been the work of the deviant nefarious scientist Neon Furious.

"What is the meaning of this?" Asked Kyle.
"This could be one of Professor Neon Furious failed experiments, I think we need to have a word with the Professor, let's go to the Professor 's secret lair" Said Peter

"How do you know the Professor 's secret lair?" Asked Kyle.
"Well I've been spying on the Professor and tracking his movements so that's how I know where his lair" Replied Peter.

So the trio went to the professor 's secret base which was located under the school library.The gang arrived in less than two minutes.

"What is wrong with you Neon?" Asked  Ben
"Ha-ah you think there's something  wrong with  me what a preposterous thing to say, try looking in the mirror for once" Replied Neon Furious.

"What was your motive to do this ?"  asked Kyle.

"Well what I can say is that it wasn't me it was my malfunctioning weather bot .I had created it to mess with the weather but instead I got little bit more than I bargained for" Replied the professor.

The weather bot was located on the empire state building. In a nick of time Peter used his super speed to get to the building. He also used his technological prowess to reverse the effects of the weather bot.The city was saved once again.

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