Chapter 3 The troublesome twins

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It was fine afternoon school had just finished. The Sun was hot and bright as a  solar flare. Kyle and his chatting about a Chemistry test they had just done.

"That Chem test was hard" said Kyle.

"I just hope I got an A because I studied all night" Said Ben in a tone of relief.

While Kyle was chatting with his friends suddenly a boy and a girl spawned out of nowhere. They both dressed strangely and we're twins. They both had blonde hair and fair skin.They both looked at Kyle with a grin and a smirk on their faces. They are known as the troublesome twins.
Jack and Jane trouble were known to cause trouble around the city.
"What are you guys doing here ?" asked Kyle in an extremely sharp tone.
"Well we just came to cause some trouble" Replied Jack with a terrifying smirk on his face. Kyle,Peter and Ben summoned their crosses. The twins used their ray to dismantled and destroyed the  park next to the school  and the library.In a nick of time Peter used his super speed  to run to the HQ and get parts to make an anti trouble ray. Peter took five minutes to build the ray blasted the library and the park.

"Now you can't cause any more trouble with your trouble ray" Said Peter.Kyle used his strength to destroy the trouble ray. The city was saved once again.All in a days work for the Christ enforcers.

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