Oneshot - Going Pro

Start from the beginning

Steve's name finally flashed on the screen, and you felt Bucky tense. You knew it was going to be hard if Steve got drafted far away. Natasha already agreed to follow him wherever he went, so the both of you would be losing a best friend.

You held your breath.

The Dodgers.

You would just visit Natasha in California then.

Winnie let out a happy sob, choking out praise for the boy she watched grow up. "Wouldn't it be so lovely to be on the same team, Bucky? You and Stevie, always going everywhere together."

"Yeah, uh... definitely, Ma."

His dad gave him a stiff pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it, son. Wherever you go, we'll be proud."

And then Bucky's name was taking up the screen. His hand gripped yours even tighter, the circulation in your fingers almost entirely cut off. He brought it up to cover his mouth as if it were his own hand, hunching over to focus fully.

The screen went blank for a few moments and then...

The Dodgers.

The room erupted in cheers. Bucky was tugged in every direction around the living room as his family jumped and congratulated him and cried. You were somehow crying the most, entrapped under Bucky's arm as his parents crowded him. He wouldn't let go of you-even when the excitement died down.

Your mind was racing at such an incredible speed, so enamored with the thought that Bucky-your Bucky-had made such an incredible team. That the playboy jock you knew a few years ago had progressed into such an amazing man with an amazing future, and that he loved you.

You glanced up at him from your place in his arms, and that feeling immediately disappeared. The cameras were off, and now, it seemed, so was Bucky. His parents had retreated into the kitchen to cut the cake they bought 'just in case', and Bucky was left standing in the middle of the living room looking so torn it broke your heart.

"Buck," you prompted. He looked down at you almost immediately. "Aren't you happy? You'll be with Steve! And on such a great team. I bet Los Angeles will be amazing!"

He took a few moments to respond, his face an indecipherable mask. When your smile started to fade, he quickly recovered. "'Course I'm happy, doll. I mean, the Dodgers, wow."

You furrowed your brows. "Are you sure? You don't seem very excited, Bucky. I know it's not New York, but I'm sure California will be fun."

"No, no, you're right. I was just shocked. Took me a sec to really take it all in. Promise I'm excited, doll."

"Well, good," you cheered, pressing up to kiss him. "Because if you aren't, that cake's not going to taste as good."

The rest of the night went better. Bucky seemed much happier, laughing with his family over dessert and telling stories from his t-ball days. His mom kept pinching his cheeks and crying, and his dad wouldn't stop giving him life advice.

But you could tell something was still off. His smile didn't reach the corner of his eyes like it usually did, and he didn't let his head fall back when he laughed. And he always had one point of contact with you at all times. If you moved out from under his arm, he would let his fingers fall down to brush your thigh. When you dropped his hand to grab your water, he would tuck some of your hair behind your ear.

He acted like you were dissolving in front of his eyes.

When the night finally came to a close, and Bucky ran out to bring the car around, Winnie hugged you. "Talk to him," she whispered, squeezing you close. "He thinks he's losing you."

For the Love of the Game // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now