"Perhaps you are looking in the wrong place." She said hesitantly. "Perhaps you should look closer to home." Jisung froze and then turned to look at his mother.

"What are you saying?"

"Nothing, my son. I am just saying that perhaps you should look at who treats you the best and makes you feel special and wanted." They sat in silence for a few minutes while Jisung battled his panic and confusion. Was she actually saying she approved of Minho and him?

She finally patted his hand. "I am saying that I want my son to be happy and find love wherever he wants." She finally said, looking away to give him the privacy to collect himself.

Jisung wiped a tear brought out by his overwhelming emotions and pulled himself together. He knew that same sex couples were not accepted in so much of the world and he had never imagined his mother would support them. "We are friends." He finally said quietly. "Hyung is far too beautiful and talented to ever have interest in me for a relationship. But I thank you for your support."

"Oh my son. You are so smart and yet so blind. That boy lights up when he looks at you. He looks at you as if you are the most fragile precious thing on earth. How could any mother want more for her son than someone who looks at him as if he hung the moon?"

Jisung flushed at her words. She hugged him gently. "It is clear you are working things out in your own way. I just wanted to meet him. Regardless of which way you go, your family loves and supports you. I just wanted you to know that." She patted his hand and stood up. "I'm going to go to bed now. I would like to see you tomorrow and meet all the others as well if you have time. I can stay for a couple days."

"That would be nice." Jisung replied. "I'll call you with our schedule and we will make a plan." He hugged her and left.

When he got back to the dorm, Minho was sitting on the steps outside. "I wanted to be sure your conversation went well." He reached out and caressed Jisung's cheek tenderly and then as if realizing what he was doing, jerked away and his ears turned red.

"Yes. It was good. She likes you a lot." He said and led their way into the dorm and then towards his room but Minho caught his hand and pulled him to the older's room.

Jisung didn't question it they just changed into their pjs and did their nightly routine before they lay together on the bed. Jisung lay his head on Minho's chest and the older man gently rubbed his back."She thinks we are a couple." Jisung finally said nervously, unsure how Minho would react to that.

"Mmm." The older one made a sound of understanding. "What did you respond?" He asked curiously.

"I told her we were friends." Jisung said, his fingers nervously tracing over Minho's chest. "I told her that you could get the most beautiful person in the world."

"Jagi," Minho said, his tone so serious it caused Jisung to raise his head and they locked eyes. "Do you not realize how beautiful you are?"

His hyung touched his cheek so gently it caused those butterflies in his stomach again. They were frozen in that moment just looking at each other. "You are the most beautiful man I have ever met, my jagi. Inside and out. Whoever wins that heart of yours will be the luckiest person in the world." He whispered and Jisung was frozen in his gaze, his face flushed at the earnest praise.

"Are...are you wanting that with me?" Jisung finally asked the question that had been hinted at so many times.

Minho waited a moment, looking deep into his eyes, determining how honest he should be right then. "Yes. I have told you before that nothing between us is off-limits for me."

Jisung had had no idea that Minho felt that way. Although he did he had a niggling feeling at the back of his mind that he should have. Not having an idea of how to respond and being unable to actually put his racing thoughts into words. His rational mind knew he was falling hard for his hyung but the words kept getting stuck behind his manta that he was straight.

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