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Voices.. I hear voices..

A male started to speak.

I know that voice.. Quaritch.

I tried to open my eyes but was immediately blinded by a light. I groaned and threw a hand over my eyes.

"Ah, Miss Woods. I see you're finally awake."

Heavy footsteps made their way to my side.

I cracked an eye open and peeked up at him. I immediately gasped and bolted up into a sitting position.


Quaritch raised a hand.
"Calm down. Yes, I'm a Na'vi now." He smirked. "And so are you."


I looked down at my hands and then at my legs. I wasn't bright blue like the colonel was, or any of the others in the room for that matter. I was a pale blue with white stripes crossing over my body.
My eyes snapped back up to the colonel.

"What did you do to me?! How did I even get here??" I glared.

Quaritch nodded and moved his arms behind his back.
"Earth is dying as you know.." he started pacing. "Your father didn't want you to die, so he paid us to take you with us."

"He would never!"

"Oh, but he did. And guess what? You now live up to your name."

I raised a brow at him, "What do you mean?"

"Well, Crystal dear. Why don't you take a looksie at your tail?"

"My.." I lowered my gaze and looked at the tail that was attached to my body. I picked it up and stared at the cluster of crystals that lay at the tip of it.
"I'm confused." I returned my gaze to the colonel.

"The scientists did a little bit of experimentation with your avatar, see. You have an ability that none of us have. You'll be a marvelous weapon."

"And what, pray tell, is my said ability?"

"All in good time, my dear. Now, let me introduce you to the team."

I didn't listen to him after that. I lowered my gaze and stared at my hands. My father sent me off to some mysterious planet, and now I'm a completely different species. Not even the actual Na'vi race.

I'm an abomination. I really hope I don't meet any of the natives.

After the team loaded me up with gear, we made our way to an aircraft that was to take us out to the forest. While I was dressing, I noticed that my hair was fortunately the same black color as the rest of the group. My eyes, however, were an ice blue. Very different from their greens and ambers. I sighed heavily as I boarded the aircraft and sat in a seat. I was scared of heights, but I wasn't about to let them know that.

I buckled promptly and watched as Colonel Quaritch reached around and rapped on the windshield of the aircraft to let the pilot know we were ready. After that he all but leaned out the door as we lifted off the ground. I shook my head and looked out my window. Pandora was a beautiful place. Too bad humans were already destroying it.

When we finally did land, I was hesitant to get off the aircraft. One of my teammates gave me a shove. I glared back at him after I regained my balance. He rolled his eyes at me and began following the colonel. I sighed and followed the little group.

After we had been walking for a while, I noticed some creatures that looked like floating dandelions. I glanced back at the group before slipping off to follow the creatures. I reached out to touch one and it landed on my finger. I smiled at it.

"Hello, little one."

It seemed to quiver in response.

A snapping twig drew my attention to the trees. Something was watching me.

"Hello?" I walked towards the direction of the sound.

A growl rippled through the air as a creature slid out of the bushes. It looked to be feline in nature.

I stopped immediately.

Two more identical creatures slid out beside it. They all growled in unison and advanced towards me.

I turned and ran. I wasn't even sure if I was going the correct direction. The creatures thundered after me.

"Colonel!" I yelled. I received no response. I glanced back and saw the creatures were getting closer. I looked forward and ran faster. The trees were thinning out.

Definitely not the right direction..

I saw the sea begin to appear. My only chance of escape from these creatures.

I either die by their claws or by drowning in the sea. Terrible choices..

I ran towards a cliff and leapt off the edge of it. I squeezed my eyes shut as I plummeted down towards the water. I collided with the water with a loud splash. I flailed blindly and thrust my head out of the water. I coughed as I choked on the water I'd inhaled. I glanced up to see the feline creatures staring down at me with annoyed expressions on their faces.

"I'm not your lunch today!" I called out to them. They looked at each other before turning and walking off. I sighed and looked around. There was nothing but open water and cliffside.

"How fun.." I began swimming towards the open sea.

Maybe someone will see me if I'm out in the open..

There is one other thing I'm scared of, and that is deep water. That being said, I had to focus really hard on my breathing so that I didn't start panicking.

I swam pretty far out before I stopped to look around. There was nowhere I could go. A clicking sound made my gaze snap down to the water. Something brushed against my leg and made me freeze. A head broke the surface and stared at me. I stared back, frozen with fear. The creature looked like a plesiosaur.

The creature cocked its head before nudging its muzzle against mine. It clicked again and turned sideways. I looked at its back and then back at its face. It was giving me a quizzical look.

"You..want me to get on?"

The creature nodded.

Holy shit, did it just understand me?

I hesitantly slid my leg up and around the creature and wrapped my arms around its neck.

The creature clicked happily and wiggled its queue connection at me. I stared at it in confusion.

"What is that?"

The creature turned its head and nipped at my ponytail. I grabbed it and pulled it over my shoulder. I noticed the end of it looked similar to what the creature was wiggling at me. I looked at the creature who was staring intently at me.

"Do I..connect them?"

It nodded.

Okay.. Here goes nothing.

I held my queue up to the creature's and they immediately intertwined. My eyes widened as our minds connected.

You are not from here.

I stared at the creature.

Did you just..?

Talk to you? Yes. Through our connection.

I glanced towards the land then towards the open sea.

Can you take me away from here? The people here are bad and I don't want to be a part of it.

The creature clicked happily.

Of course! Call me Na'wei. What do I call you?

I smiled.


I see you, Crystal. Now, hold tight.

I wrapped my arms back around Na'wei's neck as they lunged forward. I giggled happily.

Thank you, Na'wei.

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