Just Smile Chapter 7

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Old title; Have No Fear

(Old authors note)

Hey, and welcome back! Now let's go back to all the awkwardness, lol.

P.s. the pic above is what your sliding door look like just in case you don't know what those are or

I'm just doing a bad job of describing it.

"Uh, hi, I'm undyne." Undyne said trying to not be more awkward then the situation already was. Your dad just sighed while your mom and brother facepalm.

"Hi undyne, you must be another friend of Toriel right?" Your dad said while raising one eyebrow. Undyne quickly cleared her throat.

"Yes sir, I am." Undyne said, sweating a bit more.

"May I ask why and how our window is broken right now?" Your mother said, looking at undyne and Papyrus, expecting an answer.

"WELL YOU SEE MISS (L/N),I TOLD UNDYNE ALL ABOUT YOU GUYS AND SHE WAS REALLY EXCITED TO MEET YOU GUYS!" Papyrus explained as he began to sweat a little too.

"BUT DO NOT FEAR I AM ALWAYS PREPARED FOR THINGS LIKE THIS! ONE MOMENT PLEASE!" Papyrus said as he pulled out his phone and called someone. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and Papyrus ran to open it only to reveal sans with a window next to him.

"here ya go bro, one brand new window." Sans said as he handed the window to him. With some, emphasis on some, help from sans, Papyrus was able to replace the window in no time. You couldn't even tell it was even broken in the first place. Well, except for a few cracks here and there.

"Now that that's been sorted out, hello undyne." Your dad said, giving undyne a fresh start.

"Um, hello sir, nice to finally meet you." Undyne said giving him a big smile. She then turned to your mom.

"And you must be Mrs, L/N." Undyne said while shaking your mom's hand.

"Hi undyne, welcome and if you ever visit again, please use the door." Your mom said while undyne laughed nervously.

"Yes Ma'm, will do." Undyne did a slight salute to your mom.

"Sup." Your brother said as undyne gave him a fist bump. B/N seemed to have forgotten the whole window thing and was calm again now.

~~~~ time skip bc I don't know what else to write~~~~

You sat down to watch some t.v while undyne and Papyrus told your family about some adventures in from the underground they had. Sans can over and sat next to you to watch whatever you were watching too because there was no way he could contribute to their conversation seeing as undyne and Papyrus were both very loud people. Er...... monsters.

"hey." Sans said a few minutes after he sat down.

"Hello." You said back you him. So far talking seemed like it was going to be more fun then the t.v.

"(So how was your day?/how are you?)" You asked, trying to start up a little conversation.

"heh, good I guess." Sans said, seeming amused by something.
(Maybe my horrible social interaction skills for this book)

Suddenly a thought popped up in your mind,
'didn't Papyrus say he liked ketchup?' You thought so, hopefully that would be enough to start a conversation.
Yeah, that will work.

"Um d-do you like ketchup?" You mentally face palmed yourself for saying it like that.
You sunk down in your seat now, being very awkward.

"heh, yeah I do kid, im just gonna assume paps told ya." He seemed to notice your struggling, just great!

"Yeah, he did." You said, feeling yourself sweat a little.

"by the way, what do you think of my bro?" Sans asked.

"He's pretty cool." You said with an honest answer. He eyed you for a bit seeming to be scanning for lies.
To his relief he found none.

"good to hear." He replied in his low, laid back voice.

With that not another word was said, nothing more was needed.
That's not to say that it was any less akward, there's still plenty of that around.
At least that's what you thought, you kinda always(over think things/care about other people's thoughts) all the time.
(Sorry if you don't)

Anyways you turned you head towards some movement you thought you saw out of the corner of your eyes, only to find nothing there. You were sure you saw something and you knew you weren't crazy. At least not yet.
Shaking you head to clear up your mind you muttered some words excusing yourself form the couch and walked off to where you thought the movement was.

You ended up near the slidding doors at the back of your house.
You knew it lead outside so you looked through the clear door.
After seeing nothing you were about to just assume it was an animal when you saw something white on the floor outside.
You quickly slide the door open and grab the white thing off the floor and quickly pull your hand back inside.
Seeing it was a folded up piece of paper, you opened it.

Inside you find that it's a letter, written in blue ink.
It said:

From- someone who's always watching

I hope this finds you at a good time as I do wish to meet you in person soon.
You may not know who this is but for now that is not important, I have written this to warn you.
Now, please don't be scared. If this letter gets to you when I expect it to, you will have plenty of time.
There is a great danger hunting you down and they will eventually find you. I'm afraid I can not say
who it's is, but just know this. In order for you to remain safe stay around your friends and family
as much as possible. Preferably your new monster friends as they have magic. Remember you must
remain calm and have no fear. This is all I can say for now, just stay close to those you trust.

One last thing, you can only tell these people about this:




(Old authors note)
Hey guys, sorry I've been gone so long. I'm just going to be honest and say I just got lazy.
Anyways feel free to guess who wrote you that letter.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you in the next one, later~

Lolli's Story/Idea DumpTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon