Just Smile Chapter 3

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I think I've decided to just keep the names open ended. (Seeing as not many people have read this story •~•) so yeah just have your own names for characters.

Finally! After you and your family got through all that traffic, you were finally awarded with........... A long line........ Well good thing you'd do anything for food. Especially food from F/R.

And another plus was that where the F/R was built had a nice view of a beautiful field with mount Ebott in the distance. But the monsters were long gone from there,they had been free for a few months already so they were the usual here. You only ever saw monsters walking in the park, driving,at other restaurants,stuff like that. You always were interested in them but (your family/you) were to intimadated to meet some personally.

"Sorry Y/N but we'll have to wait a few minutes in this line." Your dad said while scratching the back of his head.

"Oh,but I'm sure we can do something to keep our minds off of waiting in the meantime." Your mom said hopefully.

"Yeah,don't worry about it guys (I can wait/ I'm sure we'll be in soon)." You said, smiling in the process. Both your parents seemed relived.

"And what about you (brothers name)?" (Will look like this now- B/N) They asked. He just looked up at them and said, "I can wait too." Then he looked back down at his phone. 'typical' you thought as you rolled your eyes.

After a few minutes your were a little past the halfway point in the line when you suddenly hear a gunshot in the distance. (There goes dinner)
Your family and some other people in the crowd jumped in attention and started frantically looking around to see where the sound came from. Suddenly another gunshot rang out and this time everyone ran for cover. It sounded closer. Then you saw it,there in the field was three figures running,one had a gun and they were running in your direction.

"Y/N!! Run,over here!!" Your brother yelled at you as he with the rest of the family behind your (car/truck/van).

"No,B/N!,those people look like they need help!" You said starting to walk towards the field. Some reason you were feeling brave. You don't know why but as soon as you saw those people in need,all that fear you had before left you.

"No!,you can't go out there,you'll get hurt!" He yelled as he looked at you desperately. This was one of his moments where he felt he had to protect his family but you had to help those people.

"Look just call 911,I feel like I can help them. I'll be back,don't worry." And with that you ran off towards the running figures while your mom,dad,and brother yelled for you to come back.

As you ran closer you were able to see who was who. You saw a goat looking monster carrying a small child while running away from a man in all black clothing. He was the one with the gun,and he was trying to shoot them both. 'why would a person try to kill a child?!' you thought as you stopped running, waiting for them to run to you. The goat looking monster saw you and her eyes widened but looked somewhat thankful.

"H-Help! Please!" She yelled as she got close enough to you. You nodded your head and motioned her towards you.

"Follow me!" You yelled as you lead her to where your family was hiding. Now you were running with the monster and kid to safety.

Another gun shot rang out and this time it hit the child. They cried out in pain as the goat monster held the child closer to them while saying a very meaningful sorry. The kid got shot on the arm and the blood was dripping on the ground and on the monster's clothes. You finally made it to your family and motioned the monster to where your family was hiding.

The goat monster,who you could now tell was a female, quickly ducked behind your family's (car/truck/van) along with the the child. You quickly ran back out of the cover of the car and faced the person with the gun who had now stopped running.

"Hey you!!" You yelled before you could think it through. He turned towards you and aimed his gun,but you weren't scared so you stayed put. He shot but you saw where his gun was pointing and doged it,he tried again but the same thing happened.
As the man was reloading you saw that it was his last bullet.
This let you quickly think of a plan that you quickly put it into action.

"Hey,you! Yeah you,the crazy pycopath shooter!!" You said as he looked at you once more. "Looks like you needed more target practice because you suck at shooting!" You teased him and this only made him angry. Perfect.

He looked at you closely and aimed his gun again with his last bullet. You were going to doge his shot again like before but he tricked you and moved his gun last second. The whole world seemed to slow down as you saw the bullet heading right for you.

As it was about to hit you,you saw a fireball knock it away first. You looked to see where it came from and you saw it came from the goat monster lady. You ran towards her and she quickly put you behind her as she looked at the man then she made magic balls of fire appear in the palms of her hands.

The police finally arrived before anything else could happen and they quickly took the man down. You went back to your family and the goat lady followed you. Your brother was currently trying to stop the kids arm from bleeding while calling an ambulance.
Your mom looked at the monster and quickly shook her hand. She had been crying.

"Thank you so much for saving Y/N." She said suddenly hugging the monster.

"Oh,it was no problem at all." She said as she returned the hug to your mom.

After that an ambulance came and took the child,who you learned was named frisk,to the hospital. Your mom offered the goat monster,who you now know as toriel,to come over to your house to stay a while. She thankfully accepted and you were on your way home with a new monster friend.

When you got home Toriel got a phone call from the hospital where frisk was.
They said they frisk was going to just fine but they needed to stay over night to make sure. Toriel was fine with this and after talking with frisk for a while she finally hung up.
And the plus side to that day was that your family got a nice homemade butterscotch cinnamon pie.

Hey guys,hope you liked this chapter because this sure took me a while to write considering that it had so many words. Hope it wasn't too dramatic for you.

Anyways see you In the next chapter.
Words : 1218


Yeah, dunno what to say after that chapter,

I'll just-Keep posting whatever I have of this book when I remember, thanks again for baring with me. 

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