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Buck and Eddie slumped down on the couch in their house.
"Did you ever actually like any of the girls you went out with?"
"I mean, Abby, Taylor and that yeah but not really for the others."
"I don't think I actually liked Shannon or Ana. It was all just for Christopher. I don't think I've ever actually liked any girls.."
"I don't think I'm bisexual Buck, I think I'm gay.."
"I'm so proud of you for figuring out who you are Ed's."
"Thank you." He said pulling Buck into a hug.
"I love you Buck. That's the truth." He kissed Buck and stood up. "Let's go to sleep. I'm really tired" he yawned.
They went to the room and put in some pyjamas.
"I love you too Eds." He whispered while laying on Eddie's chest. He was already passed out from the exhausting shift they had.


"Morning mi Amor." Eddie groaned as he came out of the room"
"Morning babe"
Buck was cooking eggs and bacon for Chris and them. "Smells good!" Chris said from his chair.
"It does" Eddie backed him up.
They sat down and ate.
Eddie saw the time and began to panic. "Okay! You need to get ready for school so me and Buck can get ready for work, yeah?"
"Okay dad!" Eddie handed him his crutches and he wobbled away slowly.
They all get dressed and ready to go. "Alright cmon Buck we need to go!" Eddie yelled.
Buck ran to them with his bag in hand.
"Okayyy let's go!" He said to Chris.
They arrive at Chris's school and before he went in the gates he gave Buck a hug. "Bye Buck!"
"Bye Chris!"
They got back in the car and readied themselves for the 12 hour shift ahead of them.

[7 hours in]

"Okay let's eat!" Bobby yelled to everyone. He had made his favourite Mac & cheese. Buck and Eddie sat next to each other and smiled. Buck grabbed his fork and began eating. "Mm this is good Cap!" Buck said with his mouth full, earning a chuckle from Eddie. They finished eating when they heard Chris shout, "Daddy, Buck!"
"Chris?" They said while leaning over the loft balcony.
"He begged me to let him see you" Carla said while following behind Chris.
"I'll never complain to see my Chris!" Buck said while running down the stairs to see him.
"Station 118, station 118.." the intercom said
"Ahh, we gotta go kid. If you wait we won't be longer then like 1 hour?" Eddie said to Carla.
"Of course! I'll clean up the kitchen while y'all are gone!"
"You're a lifesaver Carla" he said while giving her a hug.
It was only a second alarm fire. The structure was still unstable though.
Buck was gearing up to go inside the creaking building while Eddie was patching up the injured.
Buck went inside the building and with every step he was careful. "Buck I swear to god if you die in there, I will resurrect you and kill you myself!" Eddie yelled over the radio.
"I love you too, baby!" Buck said. Chim chuckled, as did Hen.

[when Buck gets out of the building after it collapsed]

"Oh thank god!" Eddie said while running to hug him.
"Hey, I'm okay. I just have a couple of scratches" he whispered as Eddie checked him for injuries.
Eddie hugged him again. "I love you" he whispered into his chest.
"I love you too" he said back.
Everyone watched in awe as they kissed.
"Everyone's looking at us aren't they?" Eddie chuckled.

[back at the station]

"Hey buddy!" Buck said while hugging Chris.
"We gotta go soon!" Carla shouted to them
"Okay, five more minutes and you gotta go home kid" Eddie said.
"Nooooo" Buck and Chris whined in sync.
They packed up all the legos and got Chris ready to go.
"Bye Chris!" Eddie said.
"Bye dad!"
Buck came running and gave him his backpack.
"Bye buddy!"
"Bye pops!"
Buck just stood there stunned. Did he just call me pops?! Buck thought.
With that Carla and Chris left. Buck just laid down on the ground and stared at the ceiling. Eddie laughed and walked away watching him from the balcony.

[10 mins later]

"Why is Buck laying on the ground staring at the ceiling?" Chimney asked Eddie.
"Oh! Chris called him pops so I think his brain is still trying to process. That or he's fallen asleep with his eyes open." Chimney laughed and walked away.

"I love you Evan"  (a Buck and Eddie fan fic!)Where stories live. Discover now