Save it.

777 15 2

TW- this chapter contains homophobia
Buck and Eddie arrive at the hospital ready to get his cast off. Buck takes in a deep breath and jumps out of the car, he takes long strides to the hospital receptionist and talks to him. "Hi, my names Evan Buckley, I'm here to get my cast off?"
"Of course Mr Buckley just head on into the waiting area!"
"Thank you"
With that they sat down and looked at each other. "I can't wait to get this stupid thing off,"
"I bet you can't," Eddie replies.
Eddie and Buck lean in to each other and kiss. They smile through it until a scoff from the person opposite them breaks the lovers apart.
"Faggots.." The person chuckled under their breath.
"Excuse me?!" Eddie says in a shocked tone.
The person looked back at them with a grimacing grin. "I said, faggots!" The words tumble out of the persons mouth louder now yet no one bats an eye.
"Look sir, I don't know why you are such a self absorbed prick but all I know is me and my boyfriend have just as many rights to kiss in public and you and your wife does." Eddie says back.
Buck blushes violently at the way Eddie defends him.
"Because I believe that gay people like you worship the de-" he couldn't say anything else before being cut off my the doctor.
"Evan Buckley?" The doctor yells out.
Buck and Eddie stand up and walk to the doctor.
"Alright then let's get this cast off!" Buck says happily.
They sit down and the doctor starts to saw off the cast. He pries it open and begins cutting the sleeve underneath. "Alright, seeing as you've healed well, you should be able to go back to full duty straight away!"
"Thank god! I've been bored to tears."


They get home and Buck immediately asks to go to the gym to put the muscle he lost back on.
"Fine but only because I can't handle you begging me anymore."
"Yes! I'll go get ready!"
"Mhmmmm" Eddie groaned sarcastically.
Buck giggled and ran off like a little kid.

They made it to the gym and Buck went straight for the weights. He began lifting as Eddie spotted him. He picked up the weight held it for a few seconds and let it fall.
"Alright let's add a few more plates on.." he said as he grabbed the weight plates.
"I'm so proud of you mi cariño."
Buck smiled back with his award winning grin. "Thank you,"
Buck put the plates on and put on the thing that stops them from falling off. "Alright let's try this"
He lifts the weights with ease and goes to put on more plates. "Um, excuse me sir?" A lady says to Eddie. "Uh yeah?"
"Can you help me out with this machine over there" she points to a complicated machine.
"Uh of course give me a sec please," he walks over to Buck and lets him know he'll be like 5 minutes.
"So uhh sorry for pulling you away.." the lady starts.
"Uhm it's alright?"
"So, let me buy you a drink?"
"Oh.. alright"
They start small talk and Buck looks over. Growing worried of how uncomfortable Eddie looks.

[over with Eddie]

The lady runs her arm down Eddie's
"Look, I have a boyfriend and uh, I'm gay."
"Oh, I'm sure I can change that.." she grins and pulls Eddie in by his hips.
"No." Eddie says louder now and pushes away.
"Playing hard to get huh pretty boy?" She winked
"Hm i don't think I will" she stepped into his space again.
Eddie started to panic and ran towards Buck.
"Hey are you okay Eddie?"
"Uh- y-yeah i think so that lady was just being weird so I left"
"Cmon let's go home"
The lady watched as they walked out with a massive grin.
Eddie decided to not take care to it and that it was just a creepy lady.

[at Eddie's house]

"You sure you're okay Eddie?"
"Yeah, she was just a weird person"
He seemed fine now but buck couldn't help but worry about him.
"Im gonna go get changed" Buck says to Eddie.
Buck reaches the room and decided to shower and then change.
"Okay I'm actually gonna get a shower."
"Okay I'll be in the living room!"
Buck gets in the shower and starts washing his body.

[with Eddie]

Eddie hears a knock and decides to go see who it is.
"Hey Edmundo"
"Hi, sorry I just wanted to check on you because I was walking past soooo, yeah."
"Okay, come on in."
"Thank you"
They sit down and start chatting.

"So uh, would you like to go out some time?" She asks.
Before he could respond she kisses him and just in that exact moment Buck walks out of the bathroom.
A sharp gasp cuts them off.
"Save it Eddie, I'm going to get dressed and then I'm leaving."
"Buck wait-"
Ana says her apologies before leaving. Buck leaves soon after. Eddie finds himself crying on his couch in regret. Nothing he could say could fix this.

"I love you Evan"  (a Buck and Eddie fan fic!)Where stories live. Discover now