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Buck pulls on his uniform and luckily it still fits perfectly. He says to himself 'okay, just go in there and be professional.'
He walks out of the locker room and is met by Bobby  
"Hey Buck" he says while pulling him into an embrace. "Welcome back kid."
"Thanks cap. Feels good to be back!"
"Okay well, I might need you to bring in everything from outside later today there's high chances of heavy rain and wind!"
"Ugh fine."
Bobby let out a laugh and walked away.
Buck ran up the stairs ready to eat, then he sees Eddie. He walks over next to Hen and sits down. She questions his actions as he usually sits next to Eddie.
"Station 118, station 118.." the siren called.
Buck let's out a huff and runs over to the truck, pulling himself inside.

[1 hour later]

They get back from the call and run inside as it was raining really bad. "Hey Buck, can you go and get the stuff from outside please?"
"On it cap" as he ran outside his eyes locked with Eddie's. Eddie looks at him desperately in an effort to stop being ignored.

Buck begins grabbing everything. He grabs the second hose line and starts pulling it to ravel it up.
He swivels around to see Eddie there, in the rain soaked, red eyes and a sad look on his face.
Buck turns around to ignore him again.
"Evan, stop ignoring me." It was an order. Not a request.
"What do you want me to say Eddie? Go and have a nice life with Ana?" He says loudly over the rain. He turns back around to hide the tears welling up.
"She kissed me."
Bucks eyes almost bulge out of his head.
"I didn't want to kiss her buck."
Buck couldn't stop himself from ignoring Eddie. He didn't turn around until he felt a hand grab his.

"Buck please, I only love you. And I always will" he whispers with a smile.
Buck couldn't believe him.

~"hand in my hand and you promised to never let go, we're walking the tightrope.."~

Eddie put his hand on Bucks cheek and wiped his tears that merged with the rain still pounding onto them.

~"never sure, if you would catch me if I would fall"~

Eddie pulls in Buck and kisses him. "I only love you Evan."
Buck could believe it now. The raw love that lingered in the air after the kiss explained everything. "I love you too"
They just kiss again and stay like that for five minutes in each others arms, safe. At home.
"Can you grab that stuff so we can go inside, I'm really wet and cold.." Eddie shivered.
"Of course babe"
They run back into the firehouse giggling like teenagers. "Why on Earth are you two so wet?" Chimney asked as he walked by.
"Long story" Eddie managed to say.
They get dried up and work through the rest of their shifts with smiles on their faces.

A/N-  this is already an emotional rollercoaster for me and it's only chapter 11. The song lyrics I used were from the song 'tightrope' from the greatest showman!
Have a great night/day everyone!

"I love you Evan"  (a Buck and Eddie fan fic!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon