From the Sea

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The air around me was warm, but a little cooler than what it should be. The wind was heavy, and kept getting heavier with every passing minute. I shrugged and kept relaxing in the sun.... After all, what is so bad about a little bit of wind?

In less than two minutes, I heard the pitter patter of feet hitting the sand.
"Ian!" Leslie screamed at me.
I got up as quickly as I could, she ran towards me and sat down.
"Ian it's finished!" She pulled out a paper from her dress. She handed it to me. I looked down and smiled at the pretty drawing.
"Read it Ian!" She said her voice filled with excitment.
I turned the paper over and saw her sloppy hand writing... what do you expect from a seven year old? I cleared my throat and read it outloud.
"Ian, I love you, you are my big brother. I love you with all my heart. Thank you for bringing me to the island, I haven't been here in forever! Thank you Ian, you are the worlds greatest big brother EVER! With lots of hugs and kisses, Leslie!"
She had sighed her name with a big red heart around her name. I looked down at her, she smiled and me; my eyes got a little watery, but I blinked them away.
"Thank you, Leslie."
She smiled and gave me a hug. "You're welcome. Hey Ian?"
She looked at the blue water. "Can I go swim?"
I took amoment to feel the wind around me, it was getting stronger. I shook my head. "No, go play in the sand for a little bit."
She gave me a frowny face and said. "Okay."

Leslies expression was so avid as she played in he sand. She held sand in her hands, brought them close and watched in myopic awe as the sand slipped through her tiny hands. I looked up at the boat to see Pam coming down the latter slowly. As she passed by me she had a condescending attitude, it was reputable that Pam was still upset with me. I felt slightly guilty about the whole incident; I was pusillanimous. Pam sat next to me, she gave me a mean bulldog look. I sat silently with propriety heavy in my heart, I knew my actions were picayune. As a few seconds of silence passed by, and a heavy atmosphere, my feelings where perfunetory; I no longer felt remorse.

Leslie approched me, tottering over to my direction.
"Ian, can I go into the water now?"
I took a moment to feel the wind once again, it was still strong. "No."
She pouted once more. "Why?"
"Yeah Ian, why not?" Pam finally spoke to me, her voice sounded preempt and filled with accost emotion.
"Because I don't want her to go into the water."
Quin spoke as soon as I finished my sentence. "Well, I can go in with her."
I looked at Leslie, her eyes begging to go into the water.
"Please, Ian!" Leslie begged.
"Please, Ian!" Quin and Pam said in unison.
I sighed, how can I say no to my little sister... with those beautiful big blue eyes. I grunted. "Fine!"
"Yaya!" They all cheered with excitement. I grumbled and layed back on the sand.

I watched Leslie get into th water and swim. I watched her with a close eye, she can't swim that well, and the waves are strong. I saw from the distance a wave coming, and it was coming hard, growing with strength as it came closer to shore.
"Leslie, Pam, Quin! Get out of the water!" I yelled.
"No!" Leslie protested.
I grunted. "Leslie, dont make me go out there and get your butt out of the water! I'm giving you to the count of three!"
Quin looked out at the waves that were coming closer, and coming in hard. The sky seemed to darken in an instant.
"Leslie, we better get out of the water."
Leslie rebuffed and kept her ground. "No! My skin isn't even pruney yet, so I am not gettng out of the water."
I looked at the wave that wasn't far behind Leslie and the girls. It stood about twenty feet high and was only growing. The events that were about to take place are imminent and wouldn't be pleasant.
"Leslie get out of the water now!" My voice cracked; I got to my feet and ran towards the water.

Everything happened so quickly, Pam was the first to be engulfed by the wave, Quin reached her arm out to grab Leslie; but the wave was too strong, I was to late, and the wave ate her up. Leslie screamed, it was the worst sound I've ever heard in my life. Leslie's body was flung to the boat and slammed against it. Pam emerged from the water, and gasped for air. She got out of the water and ran towards Leslie. When I saw Leslie's body, my world crashed.

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