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She gave me a sort of amenity when I was blessed with her presence. I felt at peace when Leslie, my little sister was near me. I looked down as I felt Leslie cling on to my leg, I chuckled and smiled. Leslie's ice cream smeared face made me laugh, she flashed me the biggest smile I'd seen from her all day.

I stared into her blue ocean eyes, they were filled with so much hope, so much life. Her eyes looked like if she was from the ocean, her light blonde hair, and red cheeks made her and look like a little mermaid.

Quin, my girlfriend, was perfectly sun kissed. Her skin was a beautiful golden color, she reminded me of a chicken tender ready to come out of the oven. Pam, my girlfriends best friend, laid on her back and squnited at the sun. I turned my attention back to the water.

I looked past the hood of the speed boat and back at the ocean. The dark bluish green water splashed against my face. I felt some of the brackish water land on my lips, I loved the taste of the sea.

I drove the speed boat down to the island, it was a family island my mom and dad left for us. They past away when I was 16, Leslie was only one. It's been a odd five years, but Leslie and I have managed to make it through. I felt like a gambit but we are doing better now.

The island was finally visible, it looked like a little speck. I closed my left eye, with my right hand I placed it out in front of my face, covering the island with only my thumb.
"How long until we get to the island?" Pam whined. "We have been out here for hours!" She closed her eyes and smiled evily, "You drive super turtle slow."
Leslie laughed. "Yeah like a 95 year old woman driving in a freeway at 20 miles an hour!"
Pam rolled onto the floor laughing, she was such a jocular. "Yeah! So go faster Grandma Ian!"
I rolled my eyes. "I'm driving at this speed because I care about your health Pam-."
"Super slow grandma Ian!" Quin shouted at me.
"Yeah don't be so banal!" Pam yelled.
Pam, Quin and Leslie all gave each other a smirk and that invisible girl code look.
Their chant started off slow, but esscilated to a roar in mere seconds.
"Grandma Ian, Grandma IAN, GRANDMA IAN! GRANDMA IAN!"
"Ahhhh!" I shouted in frustration. "You guys need to learn to articulate better!"
There was a brief moment of silence, then we all let out a loud dragon laugh.
"Grandma Ian drive faster!" Pam shouted.
I shook my head, I was about to snap.

I wanted to continue to countermand, but I couldn't anymore. They had me cornered, they had belabored me with the name of 'Grandma Ian'. It was like a diatribe, I felt affront with their insulting nickname. Quin and the girls were gonna start again, but I couldn't take it anymore. It was their importune chant that drove me to do it.

I smiled and cranked up to 90. Leslie gripped my leg tightly and started to laugh. They were right, 50 mph wasn't fast. Pam gripped onto her seat and held on tightly; her knuckles were turning white.
"Ian, slow down!" She screamed, the water hit hard against the boat, but I just laughed and kept going faster. I saw Pam's face start to get pale, her hair was whipping around her face. Quin and I laughed hard as we looked at Pam get her sea sick look.
"The reason why he was driving so slow was because of you!" Quin informed past the sound of the waves crashing on the boat.
"Yup!" I said and started to laugh like a maniac. Driving at this kind of speed always unleashed some sort of beast from within me.
Quin smiled at me. "You look like a mad person!"
I smiled and kept driving at the ludicrous speed.

In less than five minutes the island had grown before our eyes. We where getting closer to our destination. The island was garnished and verdant, it was absolutely breath taking. It looked like the land of a utopian paradise. I slowed down knowing that we would be approching shore soon. Leslie unravled herself from my leg.

Quin kissed my neck, her touch was so benign, tender, and sweet. I smiled and kissed the top of her head.
"You're an idiot." She giggled in my ear.
I chuckled. "Yeah but I'm your idiot." I kissed her lips and her emeraled eyes twinckled with affection.

The speed boat was going at a barely moveable speed. We were drifting with the sea. I turned around to see Pam hanging half way out of the boat. She slowly reeled herself back in and whipped her mouth with her arm, she glared at me with her piercing ice blue eyes. They only get that freaky blue when she is beyond pissed. I could tell Pam was tantamounted by my actions.
"You know very well I get sea sick!" She barked at me.
All though I was cognizant about Pam's sea issues, she was the one that inforced me to drive faster.
"Seems that your stomach is defunct."
"Shut up!" She seemed like if she wanted to bite my head off.
Well if you get so sea sick, why do you live in California... Or are a lifeguard for that matter? I shouted in my head. I bit down my lip to restrain myself from saying these words out loud.
Pam laid down on the floor and held her stomach.
"Thanks, thanks a lot Grandma Ian!" She said sarcastically. I rose my eye brows at her.
"Okay for one, I am not a 'grandma', I am a twenty-three year old man. And second of all, the whole reason why I was driving slow was so I could avoid you getting sea sick-."
"Which clearly failed!" She growled at me. Pam got to her feet and leaned over the side of the boat once again, I could hear her throwing up. I heard the chuncks of food pound on the ocean water. I wrinkled my nose at the thought of how it looked; probably green from the salad she ate, filled with noodles and other fantastic colors. Pam rushed to the bathroom, holding her mouth and stomach.

We were so close to shore, I looked over at Leslie that had crayons, paper and markers scattered all around her. Leslie was drawing a picture of a bird, she looked up at me.
"Look Ian!" She handed me the paper, and I took it from her little hands. I smiled as I looked at the little blue bird flying high in the sky. "The bird is flying to its nest!" She took the paper and drew a little brown dot in the sky. "You see Ian?" She handed it back to me.
I couldn't contain my smile. "Yes, it's very beautiful and creative!"
She looked over at Pam coming out of the bathroom.
"How is she?" Leslie asked me in a whisper, her eyes didn't leave Pam.
I turned my head and saw Pam looking as white as flour.
"Not so good." I felt furtive.
"Well, hope she feels better." Leslie said looking away sadly.
I nodded in agreement. "Okay well, we are at the island, you should go get into your bathing suit so you can play on the sand. Would you like that?"
Leslie flashed me her award winning smile. "YES!" She screamed.
I smiled. "Okay, go get dressed and put on some sun screen, wash your face, and I'll meet you down at the shore."
Leslie vascillated off with the biggest smile I'd ever seen. Her little body ran into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.
"Are you gonna need some hlep tieing down the boat, Captain?" Quin's voice emated from behind me.
I turned around and smiled. "Yes I would."
She nodded. "Okay I'll get the rope." Quin headed off into the closet and came back with two-hundred feet of rope. "Will this do?"
I nodded and took the rope from her. "It will do."

I tossed the rope down, it hit the sand with a soft thud, and made some sand lift up around it. I climbed out of the threshold of the boat and down the latter, and Quin followed after me. My bare feet touched the soft warm sand, I wiggled my toes and smiled. Quin grabbed the rope and hooked it at the dock. I tied knots, to keep the boat from floating away.

After what seemed like an hour of hauling and knotting, we were finally done. I wiped the sweat from my face.
"All done Captain!" Quin said, she looked down at her feet and wiggled her toes in the sand. "I'm gonna go back onto the boat and get my saddles. You want to come?"
I shook my head. "Naw, can you bring me some sun screen please?"
She nodded. "Sure."
"Oh, and can you bring Leslie down? She wants to play on the sand."
She smiled and walked towards the latter, I sat down on the sand and looked up at the sun. I closed my eyes tightly and patted my head trying to find my sun glasses. I smiled as I felt them underneith my fingers. I placed my shades over my face and relaxed-recumbent on the sand, under the sky and sun.

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