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— Xavier. — she said trying to catch her breath when he approached with an umbrella in his hand.

— What are you doing here?

— I just saw the monster. — she ran a hand over her face, which was trembling a little.

— Are you trying to kill yourself?

— What are you doing here? — she asked a little suspiciously.

— I followed you to see if you were okay. You just ran away. I don't know if I did something wrong or-

— No, Xavier. — she took a deep breath. — I really needed to come after my sister.

"The monster is human. The footprints have changed." Mors listened to her sister in her mind.

— The monster is human. Can be anyone.

— I think you're right about Rowan.

— Why did you change your mind?

— I texted Rowan today saying let's go snowboarding on vacation like last year. He replied at the time that it was not going to happen.

— Never snowboarded together, have you? —  he shook his head.

— Now, why did you go to the religious center?

— We wanted to know more about Crackstone. Find out how he's connected with all of this.

— Trying to use the visions? — Mors was silent.

— Why do you think we have this gift?

— Guessing. — he smiled. — When did they start?

— I don't know about Wednesday. She didn't tell me and I didn't tell her when the first one happened with me either. Mine started ten months ago. When it happens I feel a shock. I get scared almost always and I don't like it very much.

— You can't control it, right?

— No. These things are confusing me. Today I heard the thought of that woman in Pilgrims. It had never happened before, and I don't know if my mom can do it too.

— My father is a seer.

— Vincent Thorpe? My brother is his number 1 fan. — he chuckled. — He watched the Vegas special so many times that he must dream of all the events exactly as they happen.

— I lived with a master, and I can tell you his visions are not to be trusted. They don't always happen and only show a part.

— My mother has had visions for many years, I know how it works. —  Mors laughed. — I don't know if they can be subjective either. Wednesday saw Joseph Crackstone gather the excluded and kill them. I believe her. The visions are extremely real.

— He was a sadistic asshole. What does this have to do with the present?

—  I will find out.

— Don't you think they're making up a story in their heads and using the visions to justify it? They show what you want to see.

— Are you explaining my power?

— I'm just saying what my expert dad would say. Visions are triggered by emotions, not logic. And, to be honest, emotions are not your strong point.

— Whatever it is, we'll find out who it is.

— She thinks it was me. — Wednesday said when Mors arrived in the room and found Enid getting ready.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 • 𝐗𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐞Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora