Never More

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— What the hell did you do to my room?! — Enid exclaimed irritably.

— Dividing our room equally. It looks like a rainbow vomited on your side. — Wednesday went to her table and Mors remained sitting on her bed. She would share the space with her sister. As much as she liked Enid, it really did look like a rainbow had vomited on her side.

— But-

— Silence will be appreciated. It's my writing time. — Mors went back to reading the book that was in her hands.

— Your writing time?

— I dedicate an hour of my day to writing my novel. Perhaps if you did the same, your vlog might be coherent. I've read serial killer diaries with better ponctuation.

— I write in my voice, it's my truth. My followers love it.

— Your followers are imbeciles. By the way, there are two D's in Addams. If you're going to gossip about us, at least write correctly.

Enid turned on a small speaker and started jumping around the room.

— Is that One Direction? — Mors muttered.

— Turn it off. — Enid continued dancing just before the door opened.

— Sorry, girls, I just wanted to see if Wednesday and Mors were getting ready yet. — Mors put the book aside and walked over to them. — I'm Mrs. Thornhill, your dorm mom. — she had two vases of flowers in her hands. — Apologies I wasn't here when you arrived, Enid must have seen you.

— She's smothering us with hospitality.

— I brought you a little welcome gift from my conservatory. I try to see which flower suits each of my girls. — Mors held up the white flower. — Wednesday's a-

— Black Dahlia.

— You know it?

— Of couse. It's named after my favorite unsolved murder. Thanks.

— This is a-

— Peony. — Mors smiled. — I like flowers. Thanks.

— We'll get along. — she smiled. — Then that's it. Before I go, I want to explain a few rules: lights out at 10 pm, no loud music, and no boys, ever.

— What's the story about going into the local town? — Wednesday asked.

— It's a privilege, not a right. A quick 25 minute walk or there's a shuttle on weekends. Jericho locals are pretty suspicious, so don't make a fuss or perpetuate outcast stereotypes.

"What do you want in Jericho?"

"Don't worry about that."

The dorm mom left the room and the three got ready for bed.

The next day, the first class was fencing. The Addams sisters saw Bianca knock down the boy she was dueling.

— Coach, she tripped me!

— It was a fair strike, Rowan.

— If he whimpered less and trained more, it wouldn't be so bad. — Bianca said. — When will I have an opponent of my level? Anyone else want to challenge me?

— I do. — Wednesday said.

— You must be the new psychopath, and you the sidekick sister. — Mors rolled her eyes.

— Are we going to fight or not?

The two girls positioned themselves and held out their poles. The fight wasn't any different for Wednesday, who tied with Bianca and didn't want that to be the conclusion.

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