An intervention: Sirius Black

Start from the beginning

James sighed, twisting his hands together nervously. Sirius caught the movement, familiar with it in all his years knowing James.

"There's something else, isn't there?" Sirius asked quietly. "Tell me."

James looked at Sirius, his hands stilling, "It's Theo," James breathed, "he-he's latched onto Harry recently. Harry sits with him sometimes at meals, and the other day Theo came into the Great Hall looking terrible Sirius, like he was about to collapse. Harry offered to take him to get some food and go to his dormitory, and I know that it sounds like he was being kind but-" he cut off suddenly, breathing hard. "But I don't trust him Sirius. I want to, believe me I do. He's just so much like him, and I hate it."

Sirius put a hand on James' shoulder, "Everything's gonna be fine James. Harry's not going anywhere, and the sooner he realises that, the sooner we can start to really help him."


It hurt to look at Harry Potter.

His eyes were so much like Lily's, the shape of his mouth so much like James, although it never curved up into James' brilliant smiles. His hair would've been like James' if it had not been that colour. So dark it was almost blue. His face was so eerily reminiscent of Tom Riddle's that Sirius had to force himself not to look away. To see Lily's eyes amongst the features of a monster made his stomach churn.

Transfiguration was the class Sirius was sitting in on, and he sat at the back of the classroom, silently noting every time the blond head next to Harry's leant over and whispered something. Sometimes eliciting only an amused smirk, other times a short whispered response back. Only once did Harry turn around, flashing green eyes and a slight downturn of his mouth as he looked at Sirius before turning back around, murmuring something to the Malfoy boy, who's shoulders shook in silent laughter.

Could he be helping Harry plan his escape?

The answer was yes. Absolutely.

Sirius could go to Dumbledore right now. Walk out the door and to his office, sit down and tell him to keep them away from each other. The question was, would it be effective?

The answer was no. Probably not.

Sirius waited for the class to finish, Professor McGonagall assigning homework that Sirius knew he wouldn't have touched if he were still at school.

Students filed out, and Sirius stood, calling out, "Harry!"

The boy stilled, turning slowly, "Yes?" he asked, perfectly polite.

"Stay for a moment, I want to talk to you about something."

Sirius watched as Harry sighed, talking quickly to Draco, who nodded and left, McGonagall trailing after him, but not before trading a glance with Sirius which he took to mean 'be careful'.

"Sir, I need to be somewhere right now so if-"

"Please Harry, call me Sirius."

Harry narrowed his eyes, "Sirius. If we could have this conversation some other time?"

Sirius laughed, "This isn't an interrogation son," Harry bristled at the word, "I just wanted to ask how you were settling in."

"I'm settling in fine, thank you."

His voice was clipped, his words short. Where did he want to go running off to in such a hurry?

Sirius nodded, "I see you've made rather quick friends with Draco Malfoy?"

"Yes," Harry said, and Sirius noted how carefully he was choosing his words. "Draco and I have a lot in common, we've grown close over these two months."

Sirius was about to speak when a voice interrupted him from behind the door.


For some reason unknown to Sirius, Harry's lips twisted into the most devilish smirk he'd ever seen. "In here Theo!" he called out, his eyes never leaving Sirius'.

Theo walked in the room, and it took everything Sirius had not to react.

Technically, Theo looked no different from when Sirius had seen him last, but there was something about him, something that reached into Sirius' gut and squeezed. Where there had previously been a beautiful, innocent light, Theo Potter's eyes were dark, gleaming with something that reminded him of something, of someone.

He looked back at Harry, and it clicked. Theo felt like Harry. He reeked of something dark, something dead.

"Hi Padfoot," the boy said, and Sirius forced himself to look into those eyes, "Mind if I steal Harry?"

Harry pushed past Sirius, who stood dumbly, wanting to reach out and stop Harry from takign another step, but he couldn't.

"Nice chat Black," Harry said, "Come on Theo."

The two boys left, and Sirius stood for a long while, one thought running through his head. There was something horribly wrong with his Godson.


Ik I said I'd get a new chapter out quickly, and this is quick for me okay?? I've had a lot of stuff on (the biggest lie ever told)

I hope u guys enjoyed the change of perspective!!

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