iv || Toxic

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Falling in love was hard; until-
Until you came in my life.

Falling outta love was easy; until-
Until you left my heart.

Never knew I was losing-
Losing myself;
Into your dreams.

Obsession. Hurt. Realizations.
Reality? Monster.

I never wanted this.

But, you were
All I thought I needed.

I am to blame-
For the feeling never really left;
For I wasn't enough;
For you changed you ways.

Aren't you satisfied?

I've bled my heart for you;
Stopped my breaths for you;
Killed my conscience-
For you.

Are you satisfied?

Are you not?

What else is left now?
To say-
To do-
To have-
To love?

What else now?

What else?


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