Chapter 1

118 8 13

(Annabelle POV)


I flew my hand right to my cheek and started rubbing it. I’m having my usual punishment for not being pretty, skinny, or even nice enough.  Everyday my ‘Dad’ will take me to the basement and beat me where absolutely   no one will hear my cries of pain.

“D-Dad p-please stop it.” I cry out my voice hoarse and dry.

 “Shut up slut! You deserve all of this! You killed her; your own mother!” He yells and continues to beat and insult me.The sad part is that it’s true. If I wasn’t so annoying in the car she could have seen the car coming and she would still be alive. The car wouldn’t have hit her side and we roll over the road into ditch and him a tree. Ever since that accident with my mom dying my dad has beat I constantly and I don’t talk much. I’ve bottled up all my feelings and hatred toward him for years. I took it out on myself my cutting and not talking too much. I have cuts, bruises, bleeding cuts, whip marks and anything else with pain on my body. If I ever talk it’s low and scratchy, dry sounding.

Finally, he has had enough of me, and stands up. He grabs my arm roughly and pulls me out of the cell with him. He leads me down a hallway and into my room. He throws me on the bed and walks out, slamming the door. I wish the door hits him on the way out one of these days. I really need to get out of here soon before I come too weak to move. I get up and get under the covers falling to sleep of how to get out of this place.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*MIDDLE OF NIGHT*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

I wake up of the door creaking out. I pretend I’m still asleep while I hear 2 voices come in. one I know is my dad the other one I don’t know. “Do you think Annabelle knows?” Asks my dad.

Think I know what?

“Nooooo. How could she know?” Said the other guy.

“Yeah, your right. Let’s just kill her and get it over with” replied my dad.


“Ok I’ll go get the stuff.” said the unknown guy.

Ok, I can get out of this mess. All I have to do is knock my dad out and grab the bag under the bed and run like hell right?! Ok now or never Annabelle, I think to myself.

I open my eyes slowly and see my dad with his back to me. Ok this should be easier, I think. I slowly rise up so I’m on my butt; I lean back tuck my legs up then push them forward with all my might.

He goes falling forward and hits his head on the corner of my dresser and falls on the floor with a thud. I stand up and make my way to the other side of the queen side bed and grab my bag underneath it. I’ve always had it under there packed with things I need incase this ever happened. I stand up and cross in front of the bed again and run towards the door. I run down all the hallways and the turns and finally come to the front door and run out it to.  I hope I never have to come back to this place again. I go to the garage where I know the cars and other yard things are. I may be 15 but I know how to drive… kind of.

I grab the keys off the rack and take the truck my dad loves the most.  It should get me a good distance from here to the airport. I find the GPS that was in my bag and put in the address from this house to the airport .It finds the location so, I jump up in the car and put the key in the ignition and slowly pull out of the garage and onto the road. I look in the rearview mirror and see the house I hope to never see again in my lifetime. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\*At the Airport*/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

“Flight 107 to Ireland now boarding.” Said the intercom on the PA system.

Well that’s my flight, I think to myself as I stand up and make my way to the gate so I can get on the plane, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this!

I’m clear so I make my way to my seat at the back of the plane where the restrooms are at. I’m surprised no one has asked what a 15 year old is doing at an airport so late at night by herself. I sit down at the window seat and take out my iPod and decide to listen to music and sleep this whole entire long flight to Mullingar Ireland. 

This is my first fan fic. So sorry the first chapter sucks....  :( They will get longer (and hopefully get better :) ) Should have put this in the beginning but ehhh.  

Please comment what you think about this story :) It litterly means a lot :). that and i love talking ;) Im going to try to make this different but it sadly might end up to kinda be like the rest. BUT  I HOPE NOT! :D

COMMENT :D please..?

Stay B-E-A-utifil :)

thank you :)

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