Chapter Two

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It was morning and sunrays were beaming through the window wall in Hawks's bedroom. The blond was on the verge of waking up, fluttering his eyes at the harsh rays hitting his eyelids.

Finally awake, the blond turned towards the ceiling to avoid the light. He brought his hands to his eyes in an attempt to rub the sleepiness away. As his eyes finally adjusted to the bright atmosphere, events of the night before clouded his mind. 

The uninvited guest, Dabi, seemed strangely friendly to Hawks. Perhaps a mask to hide his true intentions? Whatever it was, Hawks saw it as a nuisance to his objective, to infiltrate the League of Villians. From now on he would have to be more on guard around the black-haired villain. Any slip-up could end badly for not just himself, but society as a whole.

After a few minutes of pondering, the blond sat up and got out of his bed. He headed to his closet and changed into his hero outfit. Unsurprisingly, it was difficult due to his red-winged companions. Shifting around his wings, he managed to get his outfit on.

Heading out of his bedroom door, he faced the rest of his apartment. With a quick glance at his watch, the blond figured he had enough time to eat a quick breakfast before flying down to his agency.


Hawks's day was filled with activity; saving civilians from villain attacks and whatnot. However, a sudden meeting with the Hero Public Safety Commission had been moved into the hero's schedule.

"Pro Hero, Hawks," the lady began, "I called you here for a report on your progress with your mission." The lady intertwined her fingers as she leaned forwards into her desk.

Hawks was standing in front of the head lady's desk, hands at his side, maintaining a relaxed posture. "I figured as much," he replied. "Progress has been slow, as expected. As of right now, I am in contact with one of the head villains, Dabi."

The woman put her lips between her teeth and turned her gaze to the papers on her desk. A small hum followed by a sigh escaped the women. "I see."

An uncomfortable silence filled the air between Hawks and the woman who was now fidgeting with the papers on her desk.

"I expected more after a week, Hawks," the women finally let out.

Expected more? It wasn't like infiltrating the League would be a one-and-done job.

Hawks grew more impatient by the second. "The League, more so Dabi, is suspicious of my sudden involvement with them," Hawks added, furthering his point. "Therefore, progress has been slow and will continue to be slow," Hawks said, mockingly emphasizing every word.

The woman let out a sigh before turning her attention back to the blond. "Just-" she paused, seemingly trying to choose her words carefully, "try to speed it up. We don't want to endanger more civilians, do we?" The last part of her sentence almost sounded like a threat.

"I'll try not to fail my mission, ma'am," Hawks replied, aggression underlining his words. 

The woman sat at the desk cleared her throat and stood from her chair. "I look forward to our next meeting, number two," she concluded before bowing toward the red-winged hero. 


After meeting with the head of the Hero Public Safety Commission, Hawks returned to his heroic duties. The sun soon disappeared from the sky, bringing night to Musutafu. Upon finishing up paperwork back at his agency, Hawks concluded his day and headed home.

That was until on his flight back, a noise sounded from his coat pocket. Reaching in to grab it, he looked at his phone to see an unfamiliar number light up his screen. 

Hesitant to answer, he ignored the call. What if it was one of his fans? His number was for business only and he couldn't afford to have it get leaked. Shaking off the thought, he placed his phone back inside his coat pocket and continued home.

Arriving at his apartment door, he stuck his hand in his pocket and grabbed his keys. He unlocked his door and opened it only to be greeted with a fully lit apartment. Last he remembered, he had switched off all of the lights... so who was in his apartment? 

Carefully, the blond stepped into his apartment. Turning his head in search of an answer, his gaze fell onto the clearly intoxicated villain who was sprawled out on one of the couches in the living room. 

"Oh hiya, pigeon," Dabi greeted cheerfully intoxicated. 

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