Turning her eyes, she sees Crystal across the room drinking root beer and playing on her phone. The two meet each other's gazes. Regina understood why the young girl had no interest in dancing. After her awful break-up and eventual disappearance of Mason, she'd had no interest in romance for the time being. Her heart had been broken like Regina's. The two share a knowing look of sadness and longing.

The music from the jukebox is drifting out onto the patio where three teens sit while not really speaking to each other.

Harry is sitting at a picnic table outside with his sister CJ, with Gil chowing down on whatever he can eat. The three pirates didn't feel "welcomed" in the diner, only the pirate siblings seemed to care. They were still viewed as outsiders, despite their "parents" being at the centre of this mushy happiness. They just grabbed what food they could and sat outside away from judging eyes.

"God, barf," CJ gags, watching the dancing from inside. She adjusts herself so she doesn't have to see it any longer.

"I know, it's so gross," Gil says through bites of fries.

"Grosser than you? You're such a pig Gil," CJ comments before offering him a napkin.

The second mate of Uma's crew had discovered the joys of chicken wings and was now scarfing down as many as he could, sauce on his fingers and face be damned.

"Takes one to know one," the son of Gaston mutters.

"Oi mate," Harry says, shifting away from his friend to avoid being splattered with any food.

"You going to eat your onion rings?" Gil asks.

Harry just shoves his half-eaten place to his friend.

"I don't know what you guys are complaining about, wanting to go home, this place is great."

"Yeah, if you're a hero," CJ mutters. "If you're not, then you're still a freak on the outside and you end up having to fight for your food."

Harry simply nods in agreement.

"For the record, you're the one who wanted to fight," Gil points out.

"Shut up Gil!" CJ snaps. She sips from cola from a cup. "Those goodie goody VKs get to be with them because they're 'reformed' and everything. It's totally bogus. Mal and her sister almost burned down the town today and Evie was the whole reason for it in the first place, now they're being treated like royalty in there."

Harry doesn't respond or agree. Unlike his sister, he's looking through the window, gazing at Crystal who is chatting with Patrick at the counter of the restaurant. He continues to look at her with his heart racing and his stomach swimming, unable to hear what his sister says next.

"Right, Harry?"

"Sorry what?" he says, looking over.

CJ looks at her brother and then into the restaurant. She rolls her eyes.

"Give it up big brother, she's not interested."

"Who?" Gil asks, finally intrigued enough to take his face out of his food.

"Nuttin'," Harry says quickly. He glares daggers at his sister to warn her to keep quiet.

However, she smirks wickedly.

"Harry has a crush on Rumpelstiltskin's daughter."

"DARN IT CJ!" he shouts, reaching across the table to collar his sister, knocking over everything as he does.

"Dude my root beer!" Gil whines, before snapping back to focus. "You seriously like that Crystal chick?"

"He's so in love with her that he's broken into her apartment several times to kiss her," CJ teases, making kissing sounds.

Once We are DescendantsWhere stories live. Discover now