My laugh boomed through the forest as I let down all of my guards. The smell of the forest surrounded me: wet wood, soft foliage, fresh dirt. I sighed with happiness as my feet slowed. I looked up to see where they had led me when I stopped and gasped. The sound of it sounded wrong in the silent forest. I glanced up at the giant tree that stood in front of me. Did I really want to be here? I glanced at Jack, who was watching me as if expecting me to bolt. I nodded reassurance at him as I walked up to the tree. Thoughts raced back to my head. Thoughts that I had tried so hard to block out.

Who was the boy that I had seen? If he was the only thing around, then why did my father have claw marks on him? Why didn't whatever it was kill my father and not come after me? I glared into the trees, daring anything to come out and face me. Looking into the branches that towered above, I gathered my strength. I crouched low, and jumped. Using the limbs of the tree, I shot myself upwards in leaps. Before I took a breath, I was halfway up the tree.

Looking down at the ground about twenty yards down, I noticed that nothing was there. Panicking, I screamed for Jack. A rustle beside me had me lost in disbelief. Nothing could climb this tree like I just had. Jack's green eyes stared at me through the leaves. With a startled scream, I tilted backwards, almost out of the tree. Grabbing the nearest branch, I used my momentum to lever myself away from the tree. If I fell, the branches would hurt me more than break my fall. I flew over and through trees, still in the air. I landed with a light thud. I turned back to see Jack jump from the branch he was still perched on.

"No!" I screamed. Even a wolf couldn't survive a fall that large. I raced forward, but even with my speed I knew it was too late. I had waited too long to start moving, and I couldn't pick up enough speed. Jack hurtled towards the forest floor... and landed without a sound. He looked at me questioningly as if daring me to not believe what I had just seen. "Uh-heh-whah?" I mumbled incomprehensibly.

Jack shook his shaggy head and began to walk towards me careful as if making sure I wouldn't run. I just waited for him to finally reach me, and when he did, I ran my fingers through his thick, black fur. He huffed with a contented sigh before pulling away and leaning up to look me in the eye. I saw my reflection in his green irises.

'Please, Lacey, don't be afraid.' I heard. I stifled a scream as Jack's eyes looked at me pleadingly. 'I swear I won't hurt you. I'm still the same Jack. Please don't be afraid of me.' I sat in silence as Jack's 'voice' ran through my mind. Was I losing my mind? How the heck could a wolf, my very own Jack, talk to me telepathically? 'Well, it runs through packs, but since you're not a wolf yet, I can't be sure. I haven't tried before. I had to make sure that you were one of us first.' I froze. One of them? Who? And what were they?

'So, can you hear me, too?' I pushed the thought towards him. He nodded slowly.

'Yeah. Yeah, I can. Now, Lace, I need you to promise me something. Can you do that?' I nodded my head slowly to his request. 'Don't run, I understand if you're afraid, but do not run. My instinct will tell me to chase you down and force you to submit. I don't want to hurt you, but I've been my wolf for so long, I don't think that I could control it.' Before I could react, or answer, Jack was no longer there. In his place, was an 18 year old, 6'1, Greek god. His face looked like it was sculpted by angels and his lightly tanned skin wanted to drive me up a wall. His shaggy, dark brown hair reached just above his ears, and his teeth were as white as snow. I finally looked into his eyes to find that they were my Jack's eyes. My Jack was this very handsome young man.

I felt my face flood with heat when, to my great dismay, I noticed that he was naked. I turned away and said softly, "Would you like some clothes?"

He chuckled before replying, "Sure." He started to head back to my house and then I realized what he was doing. I quickly pulled off my sweatpants to reveal the short shorts underneath. I also pulled off my sweatshirt and tossed it to his retreating figure. Before I could call out to warn him about the incoming missiles, he had the clothes on. He flashed me another smile before trotting back towards me. Goosebumps rose to my skin when his eyes appraised my body.

"Alright, Jack. What exactly is going on?" It felt strange calling this stranger Jack, but it was even more terrifying that this stranger actually was Jack. My head wheeled at the thought. I was distracted by his beauty before, but now that the shock was gone, only suspicion and curiosity remained.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you everything, from the very beginning, but we need to get to someplace warm. I already stole your clothes; I don't want you to get sick because of me." I almost smiled at him. He was handsome, a werewolf, sweet, and a WEREWOLF! My feet reacted on their own, seeing as how my head was occupied with all of my thoughts. Without realizing that I was using my newfound speed, I looked up about a minute later to find that I was almost home.

Oh, no! We couldn't just walk in through the door! Trish might be waiting, or my mother might be in the kitchen. Looking sheepishly at Jack, I saw him looking around. "You know, it's a lot different from this perspective. Not as focused and detailed, but nice all the same." I smiled at his observation. The area around my house was very pretty. It was still wild. That was it! I glanced up at my balcony as the thought crossed my mind. Ignoring the climbing trees next to it, I just braced myself.

Instead of letting loose like I did in the forest, I had to restrict myself and place this jump correctly, so that I didn't overshoot it and go flying through the door, or over the house and into the street. Before I could worry myself any more, I took a running leap. I swung my legs to the side as my hands met the rail, still flying, and swung myself onto the tiled floor. I heard just a whisper of sound and realized that Jack was right beside me.

"Wow." I giggled. That would never get old. I opened the door and waltzed into my room. The room where I had been not a day ago sitting with my pet wolf on my bed. A plopped onto my couch in front of the plasma screen and patted the seat next to me. My figure tilted to the left as he sat down and elevated my side of the couch slightly. I folded my legs and turned towards his. 'Well?' I thought to him silently. There was no way that I would risk my family hearing me talk to a guy in my room that they haven't met. I would lose a limb.

'Let me clear up a few things first. I'm still Jack, but I'm a werewolf. I'm pretty sure that you're one too. Your father was one, but you're mother was human. She doesn't know what he was, and neither does any of your family. Usually the trait is passed to the eldest child, whether it is male or female, but Trish seems to take much more after your mother. Unless you've grown up training, which you clearly haven't, you'll gain your full power at your eighteenth birthday.' I tried to push away the disbelief that rose in my stomach. He had already proved it. There was no point in denying anything now, and I needed an explanation. He continued, 'Let me start from the very beginning: I definitely wasn't a puppy when your father rescued me, but I was young enough to grow up alongside you. Your father didn't really rescue me. I was chosen as your guardian. Your guardian against the Torques. They were a very cruel pack. A long time ago, your father beat their alpha, Gordon, in a fight for rank in my and your father's pack. When he lost, Gordon was embarrassed and angry, so he started his own pack. He kills for fun. His aim was your father, and he got him. Or, his son did anyways. That was the boy you saw in the woods. That was the boy that shifted, to laugh at your father while your dad tried to make sure that Garret, Gordon's son, knew nothing of your existence, and he didn't. Garret couldn't smell you, because you were high in that tree. I couldn't use my power to move faster to help protect you, so I tried to climb. You saw how well that worked. Garret laughed at your father, shifted, and then killed him. And your father accepted it. He wanted it to be over with. He died, so that you would remain a secret and you would be safe from the Torques. Garret Torque killed your father and I can't-' A sob broke through his chest, stopping him. I scooted over and wrapped him in a hug with tears streaming down my face. Poor Jack had tried so hard to protect me, but he had failed my father in the process. His arms wrapped around me as he shook with sobs. I wouldn't judge him, though. He was letting it go. He had been there for me for years, and I had never known. He was my silent guardian, and I loved him for it. He pulled away and I looked into his face. 'It's my entire fault' He choked out.

'How? You're an amazing person, Jack. I'm so grateful for everything you've ever done for me and my family.'

He shook his head. 'You don't understand. Garret is my brother. My brother killed the father of my m-' He stopped and stared at me with his tear-stained eyes wide. I looked at him again before embracing him in another hug, and we fell asleep comforting each other as the truth, well some of it, came out.

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