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— Serendipity Chapter Eleven

It had been about a week since Tim and Serendipity had their little date at Al's. Tim has been thinking about it during all waking hours of the day, which for him, all hours of the day. Little to his knowledge of course, Ren had also thought about it every waking hour, and even during the night where she lay sound asleep in her bed, the slow turn of a fan going and the surprising silence of Gotham city.

"Ren!!" Said girl groaned as her name pierced through the halls. She was having a very enjoyable dream but was rudely interrupted by Zane yelling her name. "It's Tim!" Tim?!

Jumping out of bed, Serendipity rushed to get ready, quickly changing out of her panda pajamas and into something a little more presentable. "I'm coming!" She yelled out, running down the stairs before stopping halfway, realizing that running down the stairs may seem a little too eager, considering Tim was just a boy she had just met a few weeks ago.

"There she is!" Zane smiled happily holding open the front door. "Good morning sunshine."

"Hey Zane." Ren replied. "Tim." She turned to smile at the boy. He was wearing a dark red sweatshirt, his black hair was neat (apart from the few curls that fell onto his forehead) his earbuds were hanging from the top of his sweatshirt and his hands were tucked into the pockets of his black sweatpants.

Ren realized she was probably staring a little too much and invited Tim inside while Zane stepped out into the living room. "What.. What are you doing here?" Serendipity questioned. "Oh, right." Tim nervously scratched at the nape of his neck. "I uh-"

A cough was heard from the other room and Ren looked over to see Zane standing against the kitchen table, sipping on a cup of coffee. He smirked at the two teens and Ren slowly grabbed Tim's arm, nodding to the stairs. The two of them made their way to Ren's room and she scrambled to move her panda pajamas away from the door and into her bathroom.

"Anyways, I came here because, I wanted to ask you if... If you perhaps wanted to come with me to the roller rink? You don't have to! It's totally fine if you say no. I just thought it would be fun and-"

"Tim." Ren interrupted the boy's rambling. "I would love to." Tim smiled at the older girl and nodded at her. "Okay, I'll uh, pick you up? 7?" He stepped a bit closer to her. "Yeah, I'll see you then." She smiled at him. Tim stepped in front of her and turned the door handle, "nice pajamas by the way." He smirked, before she could respond he had slipped out the door, leaving her there stunned.

Ren heard the front door click and sprinted down the stairs to tell Zane what had just happened, only to look into the living room and not see him there. "What?" Ren whispered to herself.

"I heard everything." Ren jumped up and screamed. "Zane!!"

"That's my name."

"You scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry." Zane grinned at the teenager before speaking again, "so a date huh? With the one and only Timothy Drake? Not going to lie Dip, can't say I saw that coming." the black haired man said sarcastically. "Oh shush." Serendipity rolled her eyes at the man, but his comments still couldn't keep the smile off her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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