13 | body language

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She's been hinting at wanting to come home with me ever since she took Dex's seat, so I already seen this coming. From the extreme interest in my jewelry and the car that I drive, to the countless sexual innuendos that slipped out of her mouth about her job, it's clear that she thinks she's found a nigga who wants to pay for pussy.

I don't doubt that she's actually intoxicated since she's nearly finished the majority of the bottle, but I do think that she's crazy for banking on me, a complete stranger, to take care of her. I know this game. She think she hitting a lick — think she done found her some dick and a new wallet.

She think I'm stupid.

I don't judge anybody for how they make their money, sex workers included, but come on man. She shoulda at least made sure that I was actually interested in her first. Then maybe she would have actually seen the inside of my condo or even my car. She ain't invited to neither one. I grab two twenty dollar bills out of my pocket and hand it to her. Folks say that's how much it be costing anyway, right?

"Should be enough for the Uber."

Shanice hesitates slightly before she accepts the money, a flash of embarrassment crossing her features as she pulls her dress down.

Dex chuckles, seeing the look on my face and we slap hands before I head towards the door. I slow my stride as I pass the bar, catching wind of Giselle forcing another awkward laugh for Niko.

"You good?"

She snaps her head towards my direction and there's an expression present that I can't quite read. "I — hey, June. I'm fine, yeah."

No you ain't.

"Cool. Let me walk you to yo' car."

Niko scoffs, eyeing me skeptically. "Wassup?"

I don't spare him a glance, just a quick nod of acknowledgement as I fish out my wallet again, slapping $60 on the counter. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, but I...didn't drive." She slides off of the barstool and pulls her dress up a little, covering more of her chest before grabbing her jacket.

"My car's in the shop." Giselle adds lowly, exhaling with a bitter shrug. I gently place my hand on the small of her back and guide her away, pushing open one of the heavy glass doors.

"Oh, and thank you for the extra drink, Niko." She throws over her shoulder, pulling her jacket tighter around her as the chilly nighttime breeze engulfs our bodies.

"Anytime, shawty." His voice is nearly drowned out by the music and chatter inside, but still clear enough for Giselle and I hear.

Yeah, aight.

Heat is pouring from the vents immediately and I rub my hands together, basking in the newfound silence for a minute or two. Giselle is hugging herself, biting her lip and just staring into space.

"What's wrong witchu you...really?"

She sighs deeply and rests her head on the back of her seat. "I don't want to go home... at least not yet."

I'm a little alarmed, but I try to mask it, briefly twisting my body to face the passenger seat. From what I've gathered, Giselle is close to her family and she has it good still living with them so this is unusual. "Cool."

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