Wonho was neck-deep in some notes and files again while Hyungwon kept a keen eye on the moving red dots on his computer monitor and from time to time glanced at the live footage that was being sent from the dashcams of their vehicles. They had already gone past where Ilsang had been for a meeting and were now just following the old man and his rat pack to what hopefully was their headquarters.

Hyungwon was practically on the edge of his seat the whole time, ready to get up and run out of his office if anything called for that. One of his hands was gripping the mouse and the edge of the desk switching from one place to the other every now and then. 

Eventually, the cars came to a stop making Hyungwon hit the other leader with his elbow. "They've arrived," he spoke before grabbing the mouse and moving the cursor onto the map with the red dots. He zoomed in but detailed information about the place, like possible street names or something similar, didn't appear.

"We are exiting the vehicles." Minhyuk's voice came through their earpieces. Wonho moved his hand to his ear, allowing the groups to move. No threat was visible in the dashcam footage. "Keep an eye on anything that could help us locate this place. Any street signs or building numbers."

The drive had taken a while so they were nowhere close to the center of Seoul anymore. "Sure. We'll update you two on anything we find."  Minhyuk stated again before the line went quiet. Hyungwon swallowed heavily, leaning back in his seat in an attempt to relax. His muscles were starting to hurt from being perked up constantly.

"Have you found anything?" he asked next, glancing at the man with the folders. "Same old, same old. Ilsang seemed to just handle money and relations between organizations. Probably to keep his own name in the clear." Wonho spoke, flipping the stapled pages back down and setting the folder down on Hyungwon's desk.

"Of course. Any kingpin within our rings could have spoiled his name within seconds if anything had gone wrong. And the second something did get leaked he faked his death." Hyungwon replied, pinching the bridge of his nose.

He then snapped his fingers. "Let's try to find who leaked the information or tried to leak it. It'll get us closer to finding out why he started this." Wonho hummed at him in response making Hyungwon furrow his brows. "I expect a verbal response. Otherwise, I assume you didn't listen to a word I said." Hyungwon stated, kicking the other's chair a little.

"Oh, my God, Hyungwon. You really do sound like a dad, christ. I'll look into it, okay?" Wonho responded, giving him an annoyed look before crossing his arms and glancing at the computer screen.

The older's eyebrows then twitched with what seemed to be a concern as he pointed at the monitor. "One dot disappeared." Hyungwon's head snapped around, almost giving him a whiplash. Wonho wasn't lying, one dot in fact was now off. So one of the younger two either got hurt or went somewhere that has a GPS jammer.

For fucks sake. It had barely been an hour since they had gotten to the location.

He pushed himself closer to the screen, dragging the mouse on top of the remaining red spot. Jooheon. "Talk to Minhyuk," Hyungwon commanded, pulling up a window that he could use to reset Changkyun's tracker in case it was just a simple malfunction. 

The younger tuned out the other leader, clicking around on the screen trying to reboot the tracker quiet curses escaping from his plump lips when no positive results appeared. "I told you to not do anything dumb," Hyungwon whispered to himself, chewing on the fingernail on his left thumb.

After a few minutes of Wonho calmly talking to Minhyuk his voice tensing here and there there was a pat on Hyungwon's shoulder. He spared the other a short glance, quickly returning his attention to the computer monitor.

bloodied crown - hyungwonhoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora