Episode 12: My Way or Zimbabwe

Start from the beginning

"This is mega awesome!" Marnie smiled, her spunky attitude starting to return.

"Cool!" Junior smiled.

"Yeah, don't worry you'll be safe. Hey, all we need are crash test dummies that look exactly like us and can take selfies," Dwayne Sr. suggested, while everyone groaned in response. As we all walked away with our rafts. Getting near the water I threw our raft into the water as Marnie and I both jumped in.

"Let's move it!" Marnie yelled, giving me the camera and taking out an oar she started to paddle as fast as possible. We ended up being first in line right after the Haters went over the edge.

"Let it begin! Let it begin! Let it begin!" Marnie cheered. Eventually we went over the falls Marnie took the camera from me and snapped a picture of me looking terrified hugging her and her laughing maniacally. When we got to the bottom of the falls we smashed back into our raft and cheered loudly though a little dazed.

"Have you got the camera?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," she smiled, holding it out. While paddling back to shore we quickly met back up with Sanders and Macarthur as we paddled to shore. Then Sanders and I tried to pull and push our rafts onto shore. Meanwhile, Macarthur and Marnie were doing a dance.

"Team Po-po!" Macarthur sang.

"Team Dar-dar!" Marnie continued.

"In the hen's house!" Macarthur continued.

"Could we get a little bit of help here?" Sanders asked, as we tried pulling and pushing up her raft.

"Hey if you don't find this dance motivating. Then there ain't much else we can do for you," Macarthur said, as she and Marnie bounced around. A few moments later we went searching for a rhino so we could complete the challenge. There we searched through several bushes but we weren't finding anything. Sanders suddenly elbowed her partner, with us looking over.

"There," she said, pointing out a white Rhino.

"Here," Marnie said, giving me the camera so I could take the photo.

"I'll also get a photo with it," Macarthur said. I gave Sanders a dumbfounded look.

"Psst, you two can't just walk up to it. It's a giant, it will kill both of you," Sanders said.

"She's right! Marnie! Get back here!" I hissed.

"Sanders is right, it is a giant but I read somewhere that they're actually quite friendly, so you know maybe it's gentle," Marnie suggested as I rolled my eyes.

"That's great and I've owned dogs my whole life, see the trick with animals is to show them that you're in charge," Macarthur smiled.

"This has nothing to do with dogs," Sanders hissed.

"Hey rhino sit!" Macarthur yelled. Before giving me and Sanders a thumbs up, while Marnie gave a horrified look at what she saw. Marnie tugged on Macarthur's sleeve. When Macarthur turned around she saw the rhino breathing heavily in her and Marnie's face.

"Run!" Sanders hissed. Marnie and Macarthur screamed and ran as fast as they could with the very angry rhino following them. I snapped a picture of Marnie being chased by the rhino. But after 45 minutes of running the rhino fell over because it was exhausted. Macarthur then snapped a picture of Sanders standing over the rhino while she made a victorious pose.

"I guess 45 minutes of running is too much for a rhino huh? Burn!" Macarthur said to the animal, it only wheezed in defeat.

"Okay there's the sign to the chill zone, let's roll," I said as the four of us took off. We were racing just ahead of the Cadets.

"There's the chill zone! Hurry!" I said. Suddenly we heard Macarthur yell:

"Move it! Move it! Move it! Move it!" Looking back I spotted Geoff and Brody.

"Hurry, they're gaining on us!" Macarthur yelled.

"Come on Marnie!" I yelled. Pushing her forward as I handed our camera over to Don being the first team to do this. Then we fell onto the carpet, with the Cadets and the Surfers falling onto us as well.

"Photos check out, first place goes to the Daredevils, second to the Police Cadets, and third to the Surfers," Don said as we all cheered wearily. It was only now that we looked at how we'd fallen over. Sanders had landed in my arms but what to me was the most interesting was that Marnie had somehow fallen on top of Brody.

Marnie POV:
When I recovered from the hit we'd taken I looked over at Kristen who had her crush in her arms. I smiled smugly at her until she gave me the same expression. Suddenly, I felt it. First the six perfectly toned abs. Then suddenly I felt something underneath my left breast, something hard... very hard. I shot up when I realised what it was. I looked at the Hispanic surfer who was blushing just as much as I was.

"Geoff one question: How do you keep your hat on while plunging over the world's highest falls?" Don asked, but none of us answered I knew I was blushing bright pink and tried hiding it by pulling my sweater over my face. 

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