14. The sea and the park

Start from the beginning

"This is our hiding place. It's our safety. A lot of people know about this place, but no one ever found us here" Ena told me.

"When did you find this place?" I asked, curious.

"Two years ago, exactly. It was the first day of summer break. School ended later than usual. We wanted to find something to do and we ended up here. It's well hidden. It's calm. It sucks our stress."

"I guess it does" I confirmed, taking a deep breath.

"And you have not seen how it looks at night. It's the most beautiful place. More beautiful than what your dreams could give you." Irana explained.

"I would like to see the view at night."

"You will. We will bring you back here, believe me" Ena promised me.

"Thank you. Anyway, how is your play going?" I asked.

"Well, it's going pretty well. We still have a lot of time in front of us but we are slower than the last years. I hope we have enough time." Ena confessed.

"I hope too, it's enough stress to have to learn our lines and to do it perfectly" Irana added.

"Yeah. I don't know if this sort of place would give me any comfort. You know, I always loved the vibe of a play, but I don't imagine the vibe behind the scenes, in the backstage"

"It's really cool. We have been in drama club since middle school. It's our dream to be actresses." Ena told me.

"Then I hope you achieve it."

"Thank you, Y/n. We hope, too, that your ankle gets better so you can play volleyball again" Ena wished me.

"Yeah, thank you. I have hope you know. Not the same hope you would have randomly. I'm patient. If I would have been back then, I would have played against all the teams that we played in the last two days. But what happened, happened. We can't change the past. But I'm being patient, so maybe, one day, I can play again, for real."

I didn't realize that, when I was talking, the words felt unreal even for me. Looking in front of me, at the sea, at the horizon, I thought I was thinking them. I didn't realize the girls were smiling at me, looking at me. I turned my head toward them. I chuckled nervously.

"Sorry, I got lost in my mind."

"No, it's okay, Y/n, you do not have to apologize for that" Ena assured me.

I gave her a smile.

"So, anyway, what happened yesterday, after the Interhigh Prelims?" she asked me.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

"You and Shittykawa" Irana said.

"What about him?"

"Do you really think we wouldn't have guessed?" Ena asked. "You stayed with him. You came home late last night. So what happened?"

"How do you know I came home late last night?"

"We texted you, like, a hundred of times and when you responded, at 8, you told us that you had just come home." Irana explained.

"Ah, I didn't know I told you this. I was tired as hell."

"And in love. Lost in the clouds. Everything you could think of that made you not on earth" Ena added.

"What?" I blushed.

"You heard me well"

"I mean-"

"What happened yesterday, Y/n?" Ena asked again.

I sighed.

"A lot of things"

"Did you kiss?" Irana blurted out.

"No, we did not!"

"Then, what happened?"

At this point they were just laughing at me.

"He just did what he was most good at : teasing me!"

"So that's what happened to get you in this state" Ena resumed, pointing me when she said the last word.

"Well, I guess"


Third Person POV

"So, what happened with Y/n last night?" Iwaizumi asked Oikawa.

He ended blushing a little, remembering what had happened the day before.

"Nothing special"

"So you gonna tell me you stayed together all day and went home after that, but nothing special happened?" Sao complained.

"What do you think would have happened, anyway?"

"I don't know, tell me. You're the one who got feelings for her, you're the one who can't control himself around her, so tell us, what happened?"

"First of all, I refrained myself yesterday."

"That's surprising" Iwaizumi admitted. "So no kissing, no hugging, just talking?"


"Well, what? Oikawa. Tell us"

"I guess..."

"You guess?" Iwaizumi exploded.

"It's not like I'm gonna tell you what happened yesterday! A lot happened, okay?"

"I see. Then, give us details" Sao required.

"Why?" Oikawa whined.

"Because. We've been shipping you two together, and then you get together but then you break up, and then, you have chances to come back together, so what do you think we would be doing?"

"Whatever you're doing, even if you torture me, I'm not telling you anything. What I did yesterday, what I said yesterday are only for Y/n's memories, thoughts and ears."


Y/n's POV

"You guess?!" Ena was out for my life.

"Well, yes!"

"Why is it that complicated to tell us everything?" Irana asked.

"Because! Why do you even want to know?"

"Because we ship you, girl! Come on, you need to get together rapidly, we're dying over here." Ena exclaimed.

"Dying of what? I should be the one dying!"

"Then, tell us so we can die together" Irana tried to convince me.

"No! And I'll say this once, what happened yesterday is only between Tooru and I, a secret. Even if you threaten to kill me, what I said yesterday, what I did yesterday are only for Tooru's eyes and ears, you can't convince me to tell you something that I want to be between us only!"

"I guess. We'll stop" Ena gave up.


Third person POV

"Memories are treasures. Thoughts are secrets. I don't think Y/n wants me to go telling everyone what happened yesterday. She doesn't deserve that. It's her secret too, she doesn't need to be feeling shy around her bestfriends." Oikawa said, serious.

"We understand. We'll stop" Iwaizumi assured.

They did stop, but they would have liked to know. Oikawa and Y/n have both decided to keep things between them, not only for their privacy, but also, for their love for each other to continue growing without the others' pressure. And all that, without even saying a word about it to each other.


(A/N) : Hi guys, hope you liked this chapter. I hope to see you tomorrow, too, so see ya :)

"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now