Shower Thoughts Part 5

19 4 2

-If you rate someone 10/10, they are a 1

-If you are clean after a shower, why does your towel get dirty

-We usually work so hard just to become lazy

-Why do they make cars go so quickly that they are breaking the law?

-The human body is super silent for whatever it does inside

-Shower=27 minutes 25 minutes= reflection and deep thoughts about the origin of life and the universe 2 minutes= wash and rinse the body

-If only we could oversleep in our spare time and store it up for another day when we are busy

-The 2 'e's in 'bee' could be silent

-If you start counting from zero your lips won't touch until you reach one million

-Anxiety is like the background music in horror movies, even if nothing bad is going on, if the music is playing, you feel uneasy

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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