chapter 18.

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I wake up in a room so empty that I can hear echo. I am not tied looks like whoever kidnapped me doesn't want to kill me.

Getting on a sitting position I whince when a sharp pain goes through my head. “shit.” I say quietly getting on my feeta and clutching my head.

“it's good you are finally awake. I was thinking of getting some ice cold water. ” a voice from behind me sturtles me and I quickly turn to face them.

He is approximately six feet tall and his blonde hair is neatly combed. He has looks alright. His eyes are a dark shade of grey and they stare into my face with boredom. His cheekbones are sharp and his jaw is set.
He is in grey sweatpants, a black vest that goes too well with his tanned skin and black canvas shoes. He is holding a long stick that goes way past his height.

“excuse me?! ” I exclaim. Folding my hands across my chest.

Without a word he ducks and sweeps my legs off the floor with the stick in his hands and I go flying to the ground hitting my butt.

“ouch. What the fuck mahn! ” I whine.

“you either defend yourself or better yet fight me if you want to avoid being wacked with this guy. ” he says gesturing to the stick in his hands.

“so you kidnapped me to fight?!”

“no and yeah. ” he smirks throwing the stick to the corner of the room and lowers himself in an attempt to fight.

That is when it downs on me that this is a gym and this is ... I don't know. Ella was supposed to be here.

Before I know it, he swings his right hand over my shoulder and I duck missing the blow I was about to receive on my neck.
“nice.. If you keep that up we might actually get along. ” he says jumping and flipping before sending a kick my way that lands on my butts and sends me reeling to the floor.

“shit.” I whince getting back up. “am so out of shape. ” I say to myself sending a kick his way and he is fast to miss throwing a punch on my nose and everything goes black for a second.

“you don't expect me to go soft you because you're a girl, do you?” he smirks when I roll my eyes and push a few red strands of the hair escaping the band hold off my face.

I need to try and defend myself this prick is going to break my bones. Another sudden kick comes for my chest after he flips and I also flip backwards missing the kick. “do you really need to kill me to prove that am bad with this fighting crap. Jeez! ” I complain.

“ you can use the stick if you need to. ” he says and I lower myself halfway down folding my hands and getting ready to throw a punch and when I realize he is going to jab and block the punch, I duck and sweep him off the ground.

Watching him fall makes me smirk widely. Mehn, that felt nice. He suddenly jumps to his feet and before I am able to pick the stick he holds my hand and twists it in such a way that I can't pick it, neither can I get my hand off his grip and he flips  us sending the both of us to the ground with him on top of me placing the stick on my neck.

I didn't see him pick the stick. “how did you do that?!” I exclaim trying to catch my breath.

He chuckles getting off me and offering his hand to help me get up. “you are not so bad for a beginner.” he laughs lightly running his fingers in his messy moist hair.

“you were not supposed to go hard in her mahn.” Ella says from somewhere behind me. I know her voice all too well.

“so you had a hand in my kidnapping. ” I whine walking to her and kissing a her cheek lightly.

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