"No way. I'm not stripping naked in front of you. Not happening." Jaskier retorts, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Fine, then I'll get you undressed myself." Fyzrel says before taking out a very sharp looking dagger. 

Jaskier's eyes widen considerably and he backs away slightly. Fyzrel gives him an unamused look and slowly walks up until he is close to him. "Julian, relax a little I'm not going to hurt you. I'll just be using this to cut through the clothes." He says calmly.

Jaskier remains skeptical still but decides to stay quiet. He isn't keen on getting stabbed, especially not by someone who would probably have had no qualms about cutting off his balls right now.

Fyzrel takes advantage of Jaskier's hesitation as soon as he realises that Jaskier won't comply as easily and starts cutting his trousers away from where they half revealed his buttocks. The action is slow, and meticulous, and Jaskier watches as he works slowly cutting away all the fabric keeping him securely covered.

Jaskier immediately went to cover his lower regions with both his hands, feeling self conscious for once. It felt wrong to expose himself so obviously in front of someone he didn't actually trust. "Are you done?" He asks nervously.

"Yes, I am. with your trousers at least, now onto your doublet." Fyzrel replies nodding his head, "Now turn around,"

He directs Jaskier who reluctantly does as instructed. Once Jaskier turns around, he can hear Fyzrel mutter under his breath. "That is far too revealing..."

Jaskier feels heat rush to his cheeks as Fyzrel reaches for the sleeves of the doublet and started to cut away the fabric from his arms, leaving behind nothing.

When he finishes and sets the knife aside, "You know, you used to be able to fit these clothes. I didn't expect a bard to have such a muscular build." He comments. Jaskier rolls his eyes slightly and crosses his arms feeling more confident once the dagger was out of the princes reach. "Times have changed." He quips in return.

Fyzrel chuckles lightly, "Yes they have." He agrees before beginning to look for other clothing the bard could wear. As he searches, he finds several outfits which seemed to fit him fairly well and he begins choosing which ones will work best.

He chooses a grey shirt, white trousers, pants and a brown leather jerkin. When he is finished, Jaskier turns around and looks at himself in the mirror. To say that Fyzrel's selections weren't good would be an understatement. The outfit looked amazing on him.

This of course wasn't the type of clothing he'd usually wear but he wasn't going to argue about it, especially since he had stood there completely naked for what felt like hours. Besides, it is better than nothing.
"Good?" Fyzrel questions turning around.

"It is." He answers nodding.

"Next time ask the succubus to help you," he states giving the bard a knowing look, "You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in such a manner again."

"I wasn't embarrassed." Jaskier responds defensively, "I just found the whole situation ridiculous." He adds, sounding quite offended about being referred to as shameful since in truth it was out of character of him to react that way.

"Sure," Fyzrel smirks amused holding a pair of red riding boots out towards him, "Here."

Jaskier steps closer, inspecting the footwear. The boots themselves seem to have been made specifically for him by the look of the soles and the stitching around them. "Were these made for me?" Jaskier questions.

"Yes." Fyzrel answers, "They came custom made, the shoes are specially enchanted so they can withstand almost anything thrown their way. They're sturdy and sturdy enough to handle a hard run, which is exactly what is needed for tomorrow."

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