𝗖𝗵.𝟯 Geralt

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Geralt found himself pacing in the halls, Jaskier has fallen into a coma two nights ago

Jaskiers fever is high and Geralt's worried. There was simply an uneasy feeling in his stomach about the situation, he hadn't even bothered to change out of the clothes from yesterday evening as his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the bard.

So it came as a surprise when he noticed the smell of lust reaching his nose and it was coming from the room that Jaskier was staying in. Curious Geralt followed the scent through the hallways towards the room which he found to be ajar.

He pushed the door further open making his way inside, When the scent became stronger it hit Geralts nostrils and as he looked around the room his gaze landed on Jaskier's body on the bed.

"Geralt..." Jaskier called out weakly, the Witcher rushed over to his side, lifting the sheets to examine the state of his condition. The bard was pale but breathing steadily which Geralt took as a good sign.

"Jaskier," He began placing one hand atop of his forehead, "Your still burning up, I'll have to get Vesemir to help you."

Jaskier let out a quiet whine, at the sound of Geralt's deep voice the bard began to whimper, his form shaking. "G...Geralt.."

"What Jaskier, what is it? Tell me what you want."

Jaskier swallowed trying to calm his trembling, "I w--want.."

"Nnnngh.." Jaskier whined louder, his hands balling into fists, he was in such great pain. Just as Geralt was ready to call out for Yennefer, Jaskier reached for the Witchers wrist .

"Geralt please...please don't make me say it..I'm so scared of myself saying it... I don't want to ruin our friendship." Jaskier whispered looking into the eyes of the Witcher.

"Say what?" Geralt questions, "What's wrong Jaskier,"

"I want..." Jaskier choked on his own words as tears started to roll down his cheeks. "I want..you to hold me...and I...I want you to stay with me..." he trailed off, the tears falling freely now from his eyes onto the witcher's arm.

The Witcher froze, unsure of how to respond, he gently places his other hand upon Jaskier's shoulder,

"I want you..." Jaskier continued quietly, "to touch me.."


The smell of lust filling the air again.

"Yes...yes...I know it sounds horrible but I feel like I'm dying....I need to feel something...someone, and you're the only person who can do that...please Geralt..please...I'm begging you...." Jaskier sobbed.

"Why?" The Witcher asked cautiously.
"Because you're my friend," Jaskier responded quietly wiping the tears from his face.

Geralt's nose scented at the sweet smell of arousal surrounding the bard, he had no problem taking the bards statement literally, everything was finally being pieced together.

The random comas, the smell, the urge Jaskier's a incubus and the feelings he'd experienced the past days.

"Fuck." Geralt whispers under his breath sitting down on the bed before he wraps his arms around Jaskier. The smell of lust was overwhelming him, the moment they touched he couldn't control himself.

He couldn't stop himself from burying his face into the crook of Jaskier's neck and inhaling the intoxicating scent. "Geralt..." Jaskier moaned softly pressing his fingers against the Witcher's clothed chest.

Geralt could feel Jaskiers skin burning up against his hands, he needed the warmth.

"I'm here..." The Witcher said before pushing Jaskier down so he could devour the bard's exposed neck and shoulders.

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