𝗖𝗵.𝟰 Incubus

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In the library, Vesemir looked up from his book as soon as he saw the three people approaching.

"Jaskier your awake," Vesemir nodded
as he put aside his book, he motioned towards a chair to sit, Jaskier obliged sitting down slowly and cautiously.

Vesemir stood up and walked around Jaskier leaning against the table, crossing his arms.

Jaskier was nervous and uncomfortable, "Can someone please tell me what's going on and why am I here. Because right now, I'm confused."

"Vesemir, Jaskier's a incubus." Geralt replied simply.

"That can't be possible," Jaskier exclaimed.

"I believe it's true," Vesemir said sternly.
Jaskier sat there stunned not understanding anything. He tried his best not to look at Geralt or Yennefer.

"Every since you've came here I've smelled nothing but lust on you." Vesemir continued, "I find it more concerning that Geralt didn't find this out sooner." Jaskier could feel Geralt eyes on him.

"I'm not some horny beast. and I only use a chamomile fragrance. Yennefer tell them I'm human?" Jaskier questioned nervously.

Yennefer nodded, "They're telling the truth, Jaskier. You have a scent, but it's different, stronger and less refined." She informed him, then proceeded to explain the difference between incubi and incubators.

Vesemir explained the reason Geralt hadn't found out about Jaskier earlier; he was actually a very strong incubus a rare kind one with heightened senses.

It also made sense why Geralt had so much trouble finding his limit when they were alone together. But Jaskier didn't care about any of these things, he cared about being human again.

He didn't want this..

Jaskier sighed as he stood up from the chair, he began to pace back and forth. "I'm starving.." he whined.

"That's one thing about being a rare incubus. You crave sex you can eat as much as you want but that won't stop your hunger and deep down you know that." Vesemir commented.

Jaskier shuddered thinking about it, he didn't even notice it was happening he'd always known himself to be hungry and how much he loved sex, but never had it bothered him before.

Suddenly Jaskier stopped pacing his mind flashed to earlier, he had sex with his best friend.

Jaskier swallowed and exhaled sharply. His breathing picked up as the thoughts grew worse, he needed to go back to his room.

"Can we go?" Jaskier asked suddenly. "Please, I've heard enough.." he added

"Go where?" Geralt asked concerned, he knew something was wrong.

"My room, please. I need to lie down." Jaskier said in defeat, he had a feeling that lying down wouldn't solve anything but sleeping would.

"Take the bard to his room, we'll talk again." Vesemir says.

Geralt glanced at Yen before following Jaskier towards his room Jaskier threw himself onto the bed closing his eyes tightly. What was happening to him?

Jaskier heard footsteps approach, he lifted his head slightly looking towards the direction of the door seeing Yennefer enter his room Geralt must've went back to speak with Vesemir.

He watched as she approached the bed and sat down placing a cold compress onto his forehead, he leaned against her hand.

"Your craving," Yennefer started softly stroking Jaskier's hair gently which felt nice, "Your thirst for sex is greater than ever."

Jaskier flinched hearing what she had just uttered, "I have never felt anything like it...it's so intense it hurts. I feel hungry..." he admitted.

Yennefer hummed in response, "Yes, that's normal. In your case, however, it may be due to the fact that your just finding out what you are."

"So I've always been a incubus?"

"Yes," she stated matter of factly.

"Am I immortal?"

"Certainly. That would explain why you haven't aged a single day, you're as young as you used to be, but your body needs sex to gain its full strength back. You're also very powerful which makes this situation even more difficult. Your kind only craves a mate to be satisfied, feeding off of others won't help." Yennefer replied calmly, still stroking Jaskiers soft hair unknowingly.

"Wait, what do you mean by mate?" he questioned sounding worried.

"Like a wife?!"

"Not necessarily."

"So who's my mate? Is that something you need to answer for me or will I figure that out on my own?" Jaskier demanded.

"That's something you will figure out," Yennefer tells him.

"I don't want to be mated to some stranger forever Yen.." he admitted worriedly.

Yennefer sighs. "You've already found your mate, but I won't be the one to tell you who it is."

Jaskier huffed out in irritation. After a long period of silence Yennefer spoke again, "I have to go.."
She stood up heading towards the door but paused turning back briefly, "Figure out who your mate is bard, it really isn't that hard."

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