𝗖𝗵.𝟮 Yennefer

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This was the most civilized conversation the three of them had yet. It was also the first time Jaskier had been able to talk in such a relaxed manner with both Geralt and Yennefer without fear of repercussions.

"So do you know what happened to me last night Geralt?"  Jaskier says,

Geralt takes a breath, "I don't, it's like your memories are erased or completely gone. We tried to wake you up but you were unresponsive."

"I sensed some magic on you when you were unconscious, I didn't recognize it at first. It was faint enough that I almost missed it. But now I don't sense any of it." Yennefer explains.

Jaskier lets out a shaky breath,"Any clue as to what caused it?" He doesn't want to sound desperate but that's the only thing he can think of.
"As of right now no," Yennefer says,  "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," Jaskier replies, "There's no use in dwelling on it, right?"

The two gave him a nod, a silence falls between

the three before Geralt speaks up again,"I'm going to go train with Vesemir."

"Can I come with?" Jaskier asks standing up as if he wasn't just unconscious some time ago,  his legs are unsteady but he manages to stand upright.


Jaskier deflates visibly at Geralt's answer. "Stay here until I come back, Jaskier wants to object but then remembers the fact that he was unconscious for nearly ten hours so he sat back down on the bed looking at Yennefer.

"Please Yennefer, stay with me for a while?"
The mage nodded.

"Geralt, don't hurt yourself, and Geralt..." Jaskier paused for effect "Thank you for helping me, I'm grateful for everything that you did for me."

"Hmm."  He grunted walking out closing the door leaving Jaskier and Yennefer alone. he sighed laying back on the bed staring up at the ceiling when he suddenly felt really cold and he shivered in the coldness despite being fully clothed.

"Jaskier?" He heard Yennefer say from nearby, "Is everything alright? Your shivering.."

"I'm fine...just cold." His voice cracked, "Really cold.." He added,

"I could give you another blanket but-"

"No, this is fine, I'm fine! I swear!" The bard hurried to assure her as he rubbed both his hands together trying to keep himself warm.



"Are you sure that your fine."

"I am. Really. I'm fine..." The bard reassured again, Yennefer uses her chaos to conjure more blankets to wrap around the bard. It's not long till he feels sleep take hold of him.


"Wake up."

A female voice spoke softly beside his ear causing Jaskier to groan before pulling the covers closer, covering his ears.

"Jaskier, you need to eat something." She insisted, there was movement on the other side of the bed and suddenly she was holding up the covers to reveal the bard underneath, "Jaskier, you've been resting for two days, your body needs food."


"Bard, open your eyes." The voice spoke with a bit more force as the blanket fell back into place covering him once more. groaning the bard turned around in his bed and grabbed ahold of the blankets tightly. "Bard?"

Jaskier slowly opened his eyes seeing that the blanket was pulled away from him. There was no one in the room besides him, "Yen?"

"Where are you?" Jaskier sat up confused to where she could've possibly gone off too.

Jaskier quickly got out of the bed rushing towards the door when a familiar hand stopped him, "Don't you dare leave this room, Jaskier, I'll be waiting." Yennefer warned from the other side of the door,
"Fine, fine," Jaskier huffed turning to face the direction of where he thought Yennefer might be.

He could smell her perfume but he couldn't find her..

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