Chapter 7: Things heat up at Beacon.

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The Scene opens up in The Office of Ozpin, where everyone is arguing, including the other parents of the Teams and Jaune's sister Saph. Except for Ren's parents, because, they're gone.

Tai: What have you put my daughters in!? Why would you authorize an experiment with teleportation dust?

Qrow: They're tough kids, they can handle themselves.


Kali: Why would Blake be teleported to somewhere else, because of dust?

Jacques isn't too happy after losing his younger daughter, and Saph isn't really happy after losing her brother, but they are told to calm down and they will let the Atlas Military handle it, but meanwhile in Vietnam, Ruby and the Gang are still trying to escape the mortar fire.

What will happen if something bad happens to them while they are In Vietnam? Make sure that you get ready for the next battle.

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