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Chapter 651. Find a match

When Lin Qing He called, Third Sister-in-law just freed her hands.

Except for second branch, what friction were there between the three sisters-in-law when they were young? They grew with age and the relationship was really great now.

"You know my phone number and still get Third Brother to pass yours to Eldest Sister-in-law to give it to me. You can call me directly, right?" Lin Qing He amused lectured on the phone.

"Wasn't I worried that you won't be home. You call me and I'll be here anytime." Third Sister-in-law merrily replied.

"There is always someone at home when you call here. Two people are hired to help at home. Even if I'm not at home, I will be notify by them." Lin Qing He told her.

"Then I'll directly call next time." Third Sister-in-law jollily said.

"How is the shop business recently?" Lin Qing He also asked.

"It's pretty good. Still, can't compare to your brother's side." Third Sister-in-law responded.

"I haven't contacted my brother's side for a while. What happened?" Lin Qing He said.

"He recently opened another shop. He watch one and his wife watch one. This speed of making money isn't something we compare." Third Sister-in-law told.

Lin Qing He was surprised: "When did this happen?"
She didn't even know that her brother had opened another shop.

"Last month. I only found out after they opened it. Of course, the truck your brother bought is strong enough. The motorcycle isn't used anymore. With such a big truck, they can open two." Third Sister-in-law answered.

Third Brother Lin bought a truck. From a small broken bicycle in the past to a motorcycle later. And then going to the provincial city to buy such a truck.

Basically, it wiped out a good half of Third Brother Lin's family's saving. Still, Third Brother Lin dared to do that.

Lin Qing He didn't know these things. She was satisfied though. Before, she had always remind her brother how to be capable. Now he didn't need her to say anything. He knew he got to make progress.

"Then what about you and my third brother? Do you have any plans in this aspect?" Lin Qing He asked.

This era was the spring time for doing business. It was particularly profitable. Some good businesses won't have problem making monthly income of few thousand. In the future, because of inflation, there will be many people with monthly income of ten thousand.

Lin Qing He felt that her third brother had took the right step this time.

"Where do we have the money? I asked your third brother. That truck is more than ten thousand yuan." Third Sister-in-law replied.

Her family went home to build a house. Still, they have made a lot of money in the past two years. And how much did it cost to install this phone? And because the previous apartment building wasn't big enough and the children were big, they sold it and replaced it with a small house with garden. What's more, the price had increased. It was no longer the same price. .

Although the money at home hadn't reached the bottom, it wasn't enough if they want to buy a truck.

"Now it doesn't take much effort for Wu Ni's dad to drive a motorcycle. We'll stay like this for now and see later in the future." Third Sister-in-law uttered.

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