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 Chapter 611. Small, little bundle

After each person downed a bowl of dumplings, Zhou Kai and Weng Mei Jia felt satisfied.

And from all sitting on the train for so many days, it was necessary to take a wash at this time.

Zhou Kai left the luggage on the second floor. He and Weng Mei Jia each grabbed a bag of clothes for changing before riding the bicycle at the dumpling shop to the bathhouse.

Each went to take a comfortable wash. Then they regrouped at the door and went home.

The two of them didn't go to the dumpling shop. Instead, they headed straight back to the apartment building.

Zhou Xuan, Zhou Qing Bai, and Lin Qing He were at home at this time. Zhou Xuan was holding his dad's legs so that he can do sit-up. As for Lin Qing He, she was doing her translation work.

The translation work wasn't so easy with all those connecting context and structure. Still, she was happy to do it.

Hearing the voice of Eldest sounded from outside, Lin Qing He's expression revealed joy. Without a word, she got up and opened the door.

"I was saying that you two should be back." Lin Qing He happily chirped.

Zhou Qing Bai didn't continue to exercise. It didn't matter when his son came back. However their prospective daughter-in-law was present too. So he must pay attention to his image.

What kind of image was it to lie on a blanket with Second holding down his leg in front of the prospective daughter-in-law?

"Auntie Lin, you're not out of shape at all." Weng Mei Jia cheerfully remarked.

"The meat is all eaten by your Uncle Zhou." Lin Qing He grinned, "When did you two come back? Your luggage?"

"I went to the dumpling shop an hour and a half ago. Ate dumplings and took a bath before I came back." Zhou Kai answered. He couldn't wait to go in and see his little sister: "Mom, is little Sister in the room?"

"Yeah." Lin Qing He responded.

"Dad, I just came back after taking a shower. Can I see my sister?" Zhou Kai jollily asked. However, his steps were already moving toward the room.

Zhou Qing Bai just glanced at him.

Zhou Kai went in and saw the little bundle on the bed. She was still sleeping. Zhou Kai leaned in and took a look. Weng Mei Jia also came in to take a look.

"She looks really like Auntie Lin." Weng Mei Jia gazed at her. Her heart went soft. No one could resist such a child.

Not to mention Zhou Kai. If she wasn't sleeping right now, he would definitely want to hug his little sister.

After watching her for a while, he came out and said to his mom: "Mom, when I just left at the beginning of this year, you weren't pregnant yet. When I come back, my little sister is already three months old. "

The tone had a tinge of regret. He didn't get to see what his mother was like when she was pregnant.

"Third, Dad, and I have taken a lot of photos of Mom when she was pregnant. You can have a look. It's a full album of photos." Zhou Xuan grinned.

He peeled an orange for Weng Mei Jia: "Sister Mei Jia, have an orange."

Second was different from Third. When Third addressed her as Eldest Sister-in-law, it didn't sound unnatural at all. That was because he was Third. It was fine, just a little thick skin.

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