Part 56

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"MC!" a voice screamed out, breaking the silence of darkness. "Wake up!"

I was confused by the sound. Why was someone calling to me? Couldn't they see I was sleeping? Leave me alone! Let me sleep!

"MC! Wake up goddamnit!" the voice shouted.

My body was shook vigorously. I opened my eyes to look at my attacker, but I was greeted with a searing headache. No matter how much I tried to focus, everything was blurry.

"Verdammt, Bloomgate!" the voice then yelled a command in German. Another voice in the distance responded in German. Why were these voices so familiar to me?

"Piece of cake for these guns! MC, I'm going to lift you over my shoulder ok? Please don't panic," the first voice pleaded.

Suddenly I was lifted up and draped over something hard. Confused, I wiggled around to try to get a look at my abductor.

"MC, its ok! It's me! It's Dan!" He tried to hold me tightly to prevent me from slipping out of his hold.

"Dan?" I muttered.

"Yes! Can you walk on your own?" he asked.

"I think so," I mumbled.

Dan slowly lowered me down to my feet. I lost my balance a little, but Dan held my shoulders so I could recover.

"What are you doing here?" I frowned. "Why are you trying to kidnap me?"

"You called me last night, remember?" Dan pointed out.

"No... no I didn't," I looked away trying to recall anything of the last night.

"Yeah, you did, and I heard you. I heard you and I heard him!" Dan explained. "I'm sorry it took so long for this old man to locate your phone."

"Who are you calling old?" Alan popped his head back into the room. "MC, are you ok?"

"Of course she's not ok! Look at her! She's been drugged!" Dan snapped. "God knows what else he did to her. I'm going to fucking kill him!"

"MC, Dan and I are going to take you to the hospital to get checked out, ok? I've called my friend at Colville PD and he's sending teams out to pick up Jake when he returns. If you know where he has gone this morning, then we can ambush him. Even if he escapes the ambush, it'll force him to retreat here and the second team can pick him up," Alan detailed.

"I don't know where he's gone," I responded groggily. "Maybe to see his old friend?"

"Oh my God, what did he give you?" Dan frowned.

"Give me?" I asked confused, then looked down at my bandages. "Just pain medication for my burns."

"What the fuck!?" Dan hollered. "Did he do this to you too!?"

"No, he didn't hurt me," I objected. "Jake loves me and I love him. I don't know why you're here, but this is unnecessary."

Dan and Alan exchanged glances, then turned their attention back to me.

"MC, I know what I heard! I heard him assaulting you on the phone! Don't lie to me!" Dan hissed. "Not with those bruises."

"MC, can you please come with us to the hospital so we can get those wounds properly checked by a medical professional?" Alan pushed.

"Fine, but leave Jake out of it," I reluctantly agreed.

"No can do!" Dan shook his head arrogantly. "I am going to kill him."

"Let's discuss this further once we've had you checked out," Alan conceded.

"Can you give me a moment to get dressed at least?" I suddenly felt very exposed in my shirt and panties.

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