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A/N: I was going to wrap everything up in this chapter, but.. it's valentines Day. And I'm already at 4000+ words. So have at it. I'll try and post the final part by the end of this week. There's a lot packed into this chapter, so I'm sorry if it feels a bit fast-paced. It covers like 3 whole days. I love y'all so much, and I'm glad everyone is enjoying this book! Also, self-promotion moment, me and my friend just uploaded chapter 1 of an Andrew Garfield spider-man fic on this account (laufeysoninlaw) called If I Drown. So, if you're interested, please go check that out. It's pretty funny. OKOK Love you, enjoy.  x


Yesterday was Saturday, which was okay enough. Hangman called you about three times, but you finally answered the fourth time around. He wanted to hang out. You were reluctant to accept, but you felt bad about how you responded to Bradley, and maybe this would help you notice something you hadn't before? Be more 'open-minded', less stubborn? Maybe Jake was a decent guy. Who knows at this point. You felt so bad about Roo. At this point, he was your best friend, which was.. kinda sad now that you thought about it. I mean, it's not like there were many other options when it came to relationship building. You weren't planning on being in town for so long, so you never mingled. Maybe you should just stay. See where things go. Make up with Roo, see how things progress with Bob, find out where this Hangman situation is leading you, finally get a job, buy a house nearby. This place actually seems good. Miles sort of disappeared after he found out you were with these funky, strong, scary military men, so you figured why not. 

Well, you hung out with Jake all of yesterday, and what a surprise, you actually had a good time. He was very respectful and not creepy in the slightest, genuinely. You started the day off suspicious, but he took you to a club that was actually sort of far now that you look back at it. It was a jazz club on a beach in the LA area, which was normally about two hours away from San Diego, but the car ride was super short. Especially considering the fact it was a summer Saturday on the way to the beach. Things just worked out like that. The whole ride was one big apology, so you were not complaining about the short ride. 

The club was sort of small, but the music was incredible. It took you some convincing, but eventually, you two danced, and it felt the same as that night at the hard deck. Not exactly the same obviously, first of all, there was no lust. You were a taken woman. Secondly, this was a random jazz club at Hermosa Beach, not a bar full of sweaty aviators playing an uncalled for tango song. Different styles. Needless to say, for the sake of enjoying yourself, he was forgiven, and the event ended with a hug.

Last night was spent trying to apologize to Rooster, explaining how he was right and you were wrong and you were stubborn and you shouldn't have reacted the way you did, etc etc. It was all genuine of course, and he did forgive you, but he said he'd need a little bit of time regardless, because he was stressing over the mission and just everything he had going on, some of which you weren't aware of, which you could respect. You watched a movie before getting distracted on your phone for about 3 hours, and ended up going to bed at 4:30am.

Today has been a lazy day. You woke up around 2 pm and had a missed call from Bob, so you called him back. "Hellllo?" He answered in a happy, almost sing-songy voice. "Hello.." You yawned. "Did you just wake up?" He sounded sort of disappointed. "Maybe." You sleepily answered. "Well, I called you earlier while you were snoring, apparently.. What time did you go to sleep?" He hummed with a smiley voice, you could hear some faint sizzling and clanking in the background as he put you on speaker. "Uhh.. well I was on my phone till around ... four. Are you cooking?" You rubbed your eyes. "Y/N! That's terrible, that's like.. 10 hours and you lost half the day. Oh, and yes I am cooking that's actually why I called you in the first place.." He got slightly quieter as he finished his statement. "Awwwww! Bobby-boo!" You could hear the sleep lingering in your voice. He laughed, "Have you been watching that one movie with.. with the 'alright alright alright' guy." 

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