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"You're such a bitch!" He yelled. "Oh come on!" You yelled back, "You do something like this, I have a reaction, and I'm the bitch?!"
"We were only talking!"
"Talking? That's what you're going with?!"
"Y/N, calm down! You don't have to freak out over a simple misunderstanding!"
"Misunderstanding!? Really Miles!?"
"Y/N, chill out, stop overreacting!"
"No, yknow what.." you walked into the closet and pulled out a duffel bag. You started pulling whatever you could out of your drawers. "Y/N.. what are you doing now.." he followed you. You pushed passed him, grabbing everything you saw on your way to the front door. "Seriously!? You're going to leave?!"
"Yes, Miles, I'm leaving, why would I want to stay here?"
"Because.. because I love you."
You scoffed and kept walking. He grabbed your arm, but you twisted it out of his hand. You yanked the door open, stormed out, and slammed the door shut. You walked towards the silver 2012 Toyota Prius sitting the the driveway as you heard the front door open behind you. "Hey! You don't have to take my car!" He yelled.

You weren't stealing the car, you had been paying for gas for 2 and a half years already, all he did was help with the original payment, which you paid most of. You tossed the duffel bag into the back seat and pulled out of the driveway, fuming. The radio had automatically switched on, playing Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. Slay.

You parked, took a breath, and walked into the bar you mindlessly drove to. It was a popular spot, The Hard Deck, housing mostly people (mainly men) from the local Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor program, known as Top Gun. As of now, there was a group hanging by the pool table and dart board, all in their uniforms. God, they were all so annoying. Every single one of them were so incredibly full of themselves. They weren't even that good looking. Seriously. Flaunting their uniforms at a bar, who does that. And it's not like they just got off of work, because they were talking about what they might need to be here for. They were so loud, you were standing at least 10 feet away and you could hear them so clearly.

You stepped up to the bar and sat on a stool, setting your phone on the counter in front of you. The woman behind the bar was talking to a man across from you. He was older, but smiling and attempting to charm the woman. You sat for less than a minute waiting, when the woman rung a bell near her head. She said something and the bar cheered. You felt dazed, you had zoned out but it felt like you weren't even there. You had no idea what she said, you were too busy lost in whatever world you had created in your mind. You were soon brought back though, when she laid her hand on the bar in front of you and asked you, "So what'll it be?"

You blinked. "I'm sorry?" You asked. "To drink. You're at a bar" she smiled. "Oh um.. do you have soda? Or something light, I really shouldn't be drinking that much, I don't have a ride home." You smiled back, anxiously laughing a bit. She nodded, "I'll see what I can do" and walked to a different area of the bar.

What were you doing? Really, what was wrong with you? You just left. You didn't have anywhere to go, hell, you were probably gonna camp out in your car. You didn't have a job because you were recently fired, you had no nearby family, and the only money you had was 80 dollars in the form of 2 20's, a 10, and a bunch of quarters. You had been living with your boyfriend, Miles, because of these reasons. Your job had been paying for your house, so when you lost the job, you also lost your home. Miles was a simple guy, one of the few in town who did not work as a pilot. He was pretty bland, but that was fine. You didn't really like him despite dating for a few years now. You had been planning on ending things but then you could barely afford to live and were relying on him. You felt bad sometimes, but it was either him or death. Your previous job was also your credit union. It was a sturdy job, and the only reason you were 'let go' was because of downsizing. You had been one of the top workers but for some reason they handled things in the worst way possible and now you were near broke, sitting in a bar, alone, with no plan.

Without You (Bob Floyd x Reader) [Top Gun : Maverick]Where stories live. Discover now