Title Page

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The Polish Program

(Book 2 of the LSD series)

Compared with the burning rage of a fired woman, global warming is a cosy campfire.

By: Ronaldo Siète

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." (Mahatma Gandhi)

Polderdam, 2nd of January 2023

ISBN: 978-94-92389-26-8

Publisher: Editorial Perdido - at

Author-right: @ 2022 by Ronaldo Siète - as @Ronaldo7Siete at

Author-right cover design @ 2022 by Katie Sharp - as @katieishere at

Thanks to John, Maureen, Jet and the Wattpad community.

Cover text

The International Climate Conference in Krakow will save the world from every known ecological disaster. The LSD (Luxembourg Spy Department) wants to help: they send Red, The Runner, to start this story with a BANG. But when Red completes his mission, he discovers that global warming is just a cosy campfire, compared with Scarlett's burning rage after being fired.

Red tries to stay cool: "You deserve a better job. I'll help you." But Scarlett is not interested in finding a new job; she wants to find the criminal who made her lose the old one.

All the terrible things in human history were done by men. Women are nice, warm, soft, friendly, kind, with a big mother's heart for everyone. When a woman like Scarlett wants revenge, there's nothing to be afraid of.

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The Polish Program (LSD, #2)Where stories live. Discover now