The Awkward Meeting

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Elsa's POV

"I can't believe you forgot which room was ours!" my cousin Rapunzel complained. We were wandering down the long halls in an even larger hotel. We meaning me, my sister Anna, and Rapunzel.

"Well, I wasn't the one who forced everyone to come to the snack bar," Anna grumbled. I sighed.

"Doesn't matter either way guys, because the past is in the past," I reminded them. That was one of my favorite things to say. The past is in the past, so let it go. It was sort of like the code I lived by.

"Oh! I think that's it over there!" Rapunzel said happily, pointing at a door. It looked the same as all of the others to me, but Rapunzel had pretty good instincts. She walked up to it and rattled the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge.

"I can't get it open," she told us.

"We left it unlocked. Here, let me try."  Rapunzel stepped aside and Anna struggled with the door, but it didn't open. I rolled my eyes.

"Let me try. If it doesn't open, let's just go to the front desk an ask for help," I finally suggested. Anna and Rapunzel both stepped back, and I grabbed the doorknob. I twisted it and threw my weight against it, and to my surprise the door flew open and I stumbled threw and hit something soft.

"Oof!" the something said. Apparently it was a someone. I opened my eyes and found myself staring into piercing, yet playful, blue eyes. The eyes belonged to a handsome face. A guy with slightly shaggy white hair and a slight smile on his face who I had knocked to the ground a short distance away.

"Well, this is unexpected. Can I help you?" He asked, standing and brushing himself off.  He held out a hand and pulled me to my feet.

"Wow, you know how to pick up girls," another guy's voice teased from farther into the room. I felt my face starting to burn and I quickly backed away to the relative safety of Anna and Rapunzel.

"I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" I said quickly. The guy with white hair smiled.

"Hey, no harm done. Is there any way we can help you?" he asked. I finally had a chance to take in the room.

There were four guys in all. The one I had run into, a guy with brown hair and green eyes, a guy with brown hair and brown eyes who was holding a guitar, and a guy with blond hair and brown eyes. Now that I was seeing them all together I recognized who they were. They were the Elementals, one of the most popular bands ever.

"Oh my gosh! You're the Elementals! I'm so sorry!" I said again.

"Don't worry about it. As I said before, no harm done. I suppose we should introduce ourselves properly. I'm Jack," white haired guy introduced.

"Hiccup," the green eyed one said.

"Eugene," the guy with brown hair and brown eyes said.

"Kristoff," the blond guy said.

"I'm Elsa, and this is my sister Anna and my cousin Rapunzel," I said.

"A pleasure," Hiccup said. I recognized him as the one who had made the comment about picking up girls earlier.

"Sorry again to disturb you guys. We were just looking for our room. We're sort of lost. We'll be going now. I'm sure that you guys have lots of practicing to do," I said. Rapunzel and Anna hadn't said anything this whole time.  Leaving me to deal with it alone.  Typical.

"Just a little practicing for our concert tomorrow. How about you guys come? As our way of showing no hard feelings," Jack suggested.

"We don't have any tickets, and it's too late to get tickets now," I pointed out.

"I'm sure we can get you three front seat tickets and backstage passes. Us being the performers and all," Eugene pointed out from his seat on the bed.

"A-are you sure? We wouldn't want to inconvenience you," Rapunzel said.

"No problem at all. See you three at the concert tomorrow," Jack said, handing the three of us VIP tickets and backstage passes.

"See you," Anna, Rapunzel and I said. We left the room, and Jack closed the door behind us.

"Someone has a cruuuush!" Anna sang, playfully budging my arm. I shoved her away.

"Cut it out Anna!" I complained. But I couldn't get over his sparkling eyes, his playful smile, his perfect hair . . .

I had to snap out of it! What chance did a simple girl like me have with a rockstar like him? He was totally out of my league.

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