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        They looked down at the ground, feeling sadness and envy. Looking up they noticed one of the kids walking in their direction, the other two watching. For a second the kid on the swings felt their heart stop. Getting a full look, they noticed it was the little boy with cheeks dusted in lightly colored freckles. He wore a white and purple tinted gray striped shirt, the sleeves having an array of different colored stripes on them however, along with an overall that cut to his knees. Colored stickers covered part of his shirt, overall, the pair of boots he wore similar to the gray on his shirt, and a worn-down hat. Along with all of that, there were many noticeable bruises on his legs, most covered in bandaids, with one small part of his right leg wrapped in a bandage. He walked to them with a giddy smile that bothered the kid slightly. They didn’t exactly pay attention to what he said, but they did notice that most of his words were butchered. His grammar wasn’t any better. Yes, he was just a little kid, around 5 five or six. Maybe even four. They also noticed an accent in his words. The boy waved a hand in front of their face. “Hello?” he spoke, having a look of worry resting on his face. The kid on the swing shook their head and looked at him with a blank stare. They sighed and said something in a language they assumed the kid would understand. To their surprise he did! It was Spanish, a common first language I suppose. The boy looked shocked yet strangely happy. They talked for a while before the boy dragged the kid to where his two friends waited.

        He dragged the black-haired kid under a yellow plastic slide. They took notice of the small features of the two friends of the boy. From a simple glance, you could tell the little boy with the V-shaped mouth was more likable than the auburn-hair-colored little girl who seemed annoyed to be there. They were just assumptions though, yeah, but were they right? Yes. The three kids walked out from under the slide and discussed something, likely about the kid the short boy had dragged along, who had no interest in listening to their discussion. The black-haired boy was significantly shorter, more fragile looking even than all of them yet he managed to drag them back under the slide by the back of their shirts with little effort.

        The words coming out of the kids' mouths made no sense to the black-haired kid who'd been dragged along, for it all sounded muffled. They did take notice that they were trying to introduce themselves though. The boy with the hat seemed to be the happiest of the four, smiling brightly with stars seeming to appear in his eyes. His two friends showed more neutral expressions. They caught the names of the two boys, miraculously, but the name of the little girl just wouldn't stay in their mind. The only thing they knew is that all their names started with an "R". The thoughts of the kid were interrupted by the short boy with the worn-down hat. "You alright?" He questioned, his voice cracking. His two friends looked at the unresponsive kid standing in front of them, one showing concern, the other annoyance. The kid shook their head, snapping back to reality. They looked at all three before nodding lightly.

        After a while, the four kids got out from under the swing and began playing a simple game of tag. Something funny, they had to explain how to play the game to the kid they'd just met today. It took a while but they got the hang of it eventually. They continued playing before stopping briefly after being called by one of the boy's older sister. They giggled and made short conversations making their way to the older girl and her friend. Of the three kids, the shorter one was the one to make sure their new friend didn’t try to make a run for it and leave them. The short boy dragged them up to what the kid assumed was his sister. “Oh, and who may this be, Ricardo?” She questioned him in a cheery tone. She was pretty tall so she had to crouch down to see them better. The boy, Ricardo, quickly introduced the kid they’d dragged along as their new friend. He hopped up and down in pure joy. The girl chuckled before calming him down. She turned to the bench she had been sitting on and retrieved three small candy bags resting on it. She hummed in confusion then turned to the other boy they’d come along with. She took the bag he had beside him, which he’d been eating from. “Wha- Hey! That was mine y’know,” He blurted out, annoyed. “Oh hush, you big baby.” She stated as she distributed the candy in the bags evenly. A few seconds later, she handed the four kids a small bag of candy each. “There ya go! But promise me you won’t eat all, alright?” she inquired the kids. The four smiled and gave their thank you’s before running off again.

The four children ran off to where they had been before. As the morning turned into afternoon, more and more kids started filling the playground and field beside it. The sounds of laughter, talking and screaming filled our little black-haired kid's ears. Oh, how it irritated them. As many times as they tried, Ricardo wouldn’t let them get away. They tried a desperate amount of times before giving up. It wouldn’t be long until he and his friends had to leave anyway. After what felt like forever, the small group of kids settled down, resting against a large tree in the middle of this setting. Based on what the black-haired kid saw, it couldn't be any time past one in the afternoon. Man, they were still here for quite a while.. They had to admit, it was fun but they anticipated the moment I'm which they could be left alone for at least a while. The four talked about whatever they would bring up, two not really saying much.

The kids' attention was turned to a woman calling the auburn hair-colored girl's name. The woman had a rather angry expression on her face. The little girl sighed, frustrated. She hugged the shorter boy, Ricardo, and bid the other two farewell. The boy looked sad as the girl ran off. The other boy patted him on the back, bringing him comfort. It didn't take long for him to cheer up, but that joy he'd just regained was snatched right away from him. The boy's older sister made her way over to them. She said something to him in Spanish which caused a frown to form on his face. She noticed her younger brother was upset and extended her arms, offering a hug. Ricardo jumped into her arms, not wanting to leave his friends but he had no choice. The tall female stood, waved to her brother's friends, and began making her way out of the playground.

"Bye, Ross! Bye, friend!" Ricardo exclaimed, waving at them. The v-shaped mouth boy and the black-haired kid waved goodbye right back at him. The two turned to each other and exchanged small smiles.

"Is he always like that?" The black-haired kid asked, referring to Ricardo's rapid change of mood and excessive energy. The boy sitting next to them, Ross, hummed in confusion. "Oh! Yeah, Ricardo's just like that," the boy answered. After that, the two talked and talked, introducing themselves to each other. Not exactly properly, but they did. Neither of them was the type to talk much but they found an odd sense of comfort near each other. They were interrupted by the boy's older brother calling his name, stating they had to leave. The boy frowned. "I'm sorry, I gotta go." He said, standing as he turned to walk away. However, he stopped himself. "Goodbye-!, Um.." he cut himself off.

The boy with the v-shaped mouth asked what we knew someone had to ask eventually.

        "Uhh, hey... did we ever get your name?"

        For... odd reason.. the question made the kid start to shake. 'M-My name..-?' was all that went through their head. It was a mix of them have forgotten it, and ugly memories. First name, middle name, especially their last name was what triggered it. It shouldn't be such a big deal, but it was to them. They say unresponsive for a few more seconds before their thoughts were cut off by Ross' older brother calling him once more. "I have to go now.. I'll see you some other time..!" He exclaimed before running off, leaving the black-haired kid alone.

They sat alone under the tree for a while longer. They began receiving a few weird glares from here and there from both parents and their kids. When they were assured all eyes were off of them, they made their way into the forest nearby. They walked for a while, trying to keep themselves from walking too deep into the dark place. They were led to the place in which they had started the day, the park. Well, considering the weather they thought it'd be nice to explore this "new" town. It shouldn't, it couldn't end badly, right?


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