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Rory was truly in her element - her curly long hair and that broad smile on her face lighting her up, and most importantly her brain was at work, as she moved between desks at the campaign office effortlessly, clearly already having the banter part down with her colleagues. Logan had seen a glimpse of that at the Stamford Eagle Gazette as he'd visited too, but there was a difference - now Rory didn't appear to be doubting herself. That was evident even through the window.

Logan slipped in through the front door, a broad smile on his face, having been dying to surprise her by coming home a little early. Those two weeks had been too long.

"Oh, my god!" Rory exclaimed, nearly squealing at the sight of him, heading over to him in just a few quick leaps. "Hey, stranger," Rory added, her hands going on automatic around his neck.

"And hello to you," Logan said, taking her in his arms to greet her properly with a passionate kiss.

"That's one way to bring in the money," Tatiana, a fellow volunteer to whom the fact that Rory was engaged to a Huntzberger was not lost on, commented. But despite her love for gossip, she was well-meaning, just felt free to joke about stuff like that. Finding new donors for the campaign was a constant issue, like in most political campaigns but what the woman didn't know was that the Huntzberger clan was contributing as it was, just not directly through Logan.

"Oh, hush," Rory laughed at her, over her shoulder, her smile being even bigger now than before. "What are you doing here?" Rory asked Logan, taking his hand, not wanting to lose contact with him, after two whole weeks apart.

"Well, I was in Copenhagen this morning and then I remembered I have this gorgeous girl waiting for me in Hartford," Logan explained, half-jokingly.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're back. So - how was Europe?" Rory asked. Naturally they'd called and she knew the gist, but she hadn't wanted to sound like she was hovering whilst he'd been there, wanting him to have his fun, so instead of demanding for a recap of everything he'd been up to they'd mostly just joked around or sexted.

"Same as it was last year, same as it was two weeks ago when you left..," Logan said.

"What more did you do?" Rory exclaimed worriedly, discovering Logan's little finger was bandaged into a splint.

"Long, embarrassing story. I'll tell you later," Logan replied, finding the prospect of her worrying about his physical well-being strangely adorable .

"Okay. Oh, wait... hold on," Rory said, recalling she'd been just about to pass on a piece of information to Marcus, the guy who handled their fiances and slipped away for a second.

Rory returned a moment later, and was whisked into Logan's arms yet again.

"So, when does this crazy thing you have going on here wrap up," Logan said, looking around. He'd been here before to pick her up and such, but honestly, the campaign seemed to be getting crazier by the week, the office now holding life-size posters of the candidate and table full of gift bags.

"Let me just wrap this one thing up, and then I'm all yours," Rory promised with a twinkle in her eye.

"I like the sound of that," Logan murmured, kissing her deeply as a sign of how much he'd missed her, while seeing Tatiana roll her eyes behind Rory, clearly being very close to telling them to get a room.

"I missed you," Rory chimed as the kiss broke.

"That was my plan," Logan said, letting her get on with finishing her task. This was the benefit of being a volunteer - there was a lot of freedom she had over her schedule considering she did more than her internship contract required of her, so anything beyond that she was just chipping in, being happy to help. She found the candidate smart, charming and capable - so why not do her part towards a better future as the campaign slogan said.

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