First "I love you"

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- Finney said it accidentally
- after the grabber incident
- you guys were cuddling
- he was telling you about how he couldn't stand losing you
- "I don't want to ever lose you, you mean the world to me, you know? I love you so much y/n."
- he paused realizing he had just said that
- you smiled
- "I love you too Finney"

- you said it
- sleepover at your house
- she had a nightmare
- you were cuddling
- she was on top of you, her head on you chest
- you were petting her hair
- whispering things like "I'm here Gwen", etc.
- that didn't work so you said it
- "I love you Gwen." as you kissed her forehead.

- he said it
- he was walking you home
- mans confidence was boosting
- "te amo hermosa"
- you took Spanish classes so you knew what he had said
- "te amo demasiado guapa" (hopefully that's correct - "I love you too handsome")
- you giggled as you spoke
- he smiled and hugged you

- he said it
- also Bruce is gonna be Korean bc my sister said he was
- you were watching him practice
- the boys were talking and joking about
- Bruce told them that if he hit the ball then he'd tell a certain person that he loves her
- he hit the ball
- "nan neoleul jeongmal salanghae" (no offense, I hope it's correct - "I love you dearly")
- you had no clue what he had said
- "what?" you asked confused
- "I said I love you" Bruce smiled at you as you kissed his cheek

- he said it ofc
- you guys were at his place
- also Vance is Italian bc I said so
- his mom made you guys lasagna
- you ate the shit up
- complimented his moms cooking
- "miele" his mom called him over and whispered something to him
- you guys walked up to his room together to talk and idk, cuddle, what else do couples do 😐?
- his mom was secretly listening in on you guys
- you played with his hair
- "I love you y/n" he said making you pause
- you kissed his cheek in response
- you already know Ms.Hopper was fangirling in the background

- you said it
- for billy you're German bc I want you to
- you guys are messing around in your bedroom
- your aunt isn't home so y'all are yelling at each other
- you suddenly scream in what seems like gibberish to Billy
- "Ich liebe dich" (means "I love you" in German)
- He stopped running and yelling suddenly looking very concerned and confused
- you fall on the ground in a fit of laughter
- Harper and b/n (bunny's name) are both very concerned, sitting on the couch
- "what was that?" Billy asked as he got on the floor next to you and laid down so you guys could be face to face
- "I love you" you said and kissed his nose
- he smiled and touched your nose with his own "I love you too!" he said with a smile

- you bc ur a girlboss
- also ur Russian and live with ur older cousin (no offense)
- you guys are out getting ice cream
- his mom and your cousin Jenny are talking on the bench near the ice cream and park
- "Hey Griffin, can I tell you something cool?"
- "What is it n/n (nickname)?"
- "Ya tebya lyublyu"
- he snapped his neck back to look at you so fast
- "ya tellytubby lie what now?" he asked
- "it means I love you Griffin!" you said as you ran your free hand through his hair
- "oh, I love you too n/n!" he said as he smiled brightly
- "why'd you say it like that though?" he asked after a pause
- "it's Russian, my native language." you said very proudly

a/n : tbh this isn't checked over or edited yet so feel free to get mad and correct em in the comments

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