JayKlickin: Seeing The Love of My Life

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This imagine will Be featuring Nique, Aka Nini, and Jay klickin, and more ppl but those are the main characters .

Jay pov:

I was outside on the block with DD, notti, and Ddot and the rest of the Gang, we was chilling, smoking, allat. I was looking down at my phone on ig when i heard edot say "Damnn, look at her, she fine asf im tryna get on that." I looked at him weird because nigga what the fuck... but then when i looked where E was looking at i saw a pretty girl, i never seen ha round hea tho. Evb else was like "she alright","she cute but not my type", shes definitely my type but i just said "She aii E, but cmon now, ian never seen her around."
"Fr never have i seen ha." ddot said. "Jhit , This nigga jay starin and shi he blushing too." lo said. "NAHHHH HE JACKING THAT!" DD loud ass said making that girl look over here.

Nique pov:
As i was walking to the deli i heard a boy yell "NAHHHH HE JACKING THAT!" I was confused and nosey asf so i looked over there, I saw a lightskin cute boy looking over here at me, ngl he was fine asl. We looked into eachother eyes and i smiled as he did a lil smirk. I saw him get up and start walking towards the deli also, seeing that hes not that far away. Once i made it to the deli i saw that he was at the Paying counter thingy shi wtv its called, I walked past him accidentally bumping into him "Sorry..", He said "It's all good ma." I slightly smiled and walked to get my fav snacks i heard him tell the man that he forgot to get something and he went to the drinks to get a gatorade. As i was over there he tapped me. "Sorry, but i just had to say that youre mad beautiful and i couldn't help but notice you" he said while doing the Lightskin stare. "Thank you, youre cute yourself." i said "Im trying get to know you tho ma." he said handing me his phone. "Whats this for? " i said overly confused bcs why i need yo phone. "Mb, can i get yo digits so we can talk." , "Yea ofc :)" . "Alright thanks bye, i'll text you later." he said. "yea, bye" i looked at my phone to see he texted me after walking out the deli so i could save his number. i fw him but the niggas been giving too many lightskin stares..😂

Yall im not even finna lie idk wht this is but i hope its good to yall.

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